
Windows Requirements?

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Trying to set up my CI on an nvim-oxi plugin, but linking fails:

I see you have removed windows building from the CI in this repo. But do you know what the requirements for building for windows are?

noib3 commented

I'm actually not sure what's the issue with building on Windows. I'm on macOS atm so I have no way to test it, if someone using Windows can chime in that'd be great.

IIRC this was solvable via downloading luajit libraries on windows and specifying the path to them via env variables. It is managed automatically on unix via pkg-config. Will try to solve this one soon.


You might have noticed that PR is quite stale. I am having some health issues right now and I just can't get myself to coding at the moment. I will continue working on it once I'm good.

Hmm, the issue stil exists. Link error 1181

All is needed is to add this to your <project>/.cargo/config apparently


Closed by #149.