
trying to read .java file and output .java file

Closed this issue · 1 comments


I'm trying to figure out a way to read .java files and output .java files, is there a specific configuration of options that works?
I've tried not specific a src_prec but when I pass in a directory of .java files, I run into an ArrayOutOfBoundsException and in terms of output .java - it seems like there is no option for this? I've tried outputting .dava files but it always results in the following:
Screen Shot 2021-11-08 at 9 57 52 PM

Thank you!

First, I apologize for getting back so late. To the best of my knowledge, Soot uses compiled Java files (.class) and it does not have a configuration for directly analyzing .java files. Also, it outputs in form of compiled Java files (.class, .jar, .apk, etc.). Please reopen this issue if you're aware of any way that Soot can analyze of generate Java files