
noir 1.3.0-beta6: escape-html already refers to: #'hiccup.core/escape-html in namespace:

Opened this issue · 5 comments

devn commented
escape-html already refers to: #'hiccup.core/escape-html in namespace:
  [Thrown class java.lang.IllegalStateException]

My code is as follows:

(ns walton.html
  (:require [accession.core :as redis]
            [noir.server :as server]
            [walton.core :as core]))

I hit this as well

I was able to work around this, however, my code had other issues I had to resolve. @devn can you please paste the entire stack trace? I would like to dig into this deeper.

I've seen this error directly from compojure (not using noir) so maybe that will help you identify where the problem is coming from.

I hit that today, on hiccup 1.0.0 :uses hiccup.core and hiccup.util
hiccup.core also :uses hiccup.util


workaround: change the definition of h in hiccup.core to refer to fully qualified name:

(def ^{:doc "Alias for hiccup.util/escape-html"}
h hiccup.util/escape-html)