
Unable to establish connection without known_hosts file

Closed this issue · 6 comments

egr3s commented

I faced an issue that I cannot connect to the router with pySROS without checking SSH key. Connection fails with this message:
RuntimeError: Cannot create connection - Unknown host key [omitted] for [] as I do not have known_hosts file.
Tried to add 'hostkey_verify=False' as a parameter to connect() function, but it didn't work: TypeError: connect() got an unexpected keyword argument 'hostkey_verify'
Looks like adding 'hostkey_verify=False' to Connection object here solves the issue.
Could you please implement that?

Some info about the setup:
router IXR7250-e 21.7.R1
host "CentOS Linux 7 (Core)"

See #3:

By adding 'kwargs' to connect, you can set additional parameters such as hostkey_verify

I didn't see that there is an open issue already before creating the pull request: #5
I just simply added the hostkey_verify parameter when calling the ncclient connection.

I didn't see that there is an open issue already before creating the pull request: #5
I just simply added the hostkey_verify parameter when calling the ncclient connection.

No problem. I'll close the PR. Please raise improvements via the Nokia support process.

I didn't see that there is an open issue already before creating the pull request: #5
I just simply added the hostkey_verify parameter when calling the ncclient connection.

No problem. I'll close the PR. Please raise improvements via the Nokia support process.

Strange you closed the PR even you know it fixes a serious issue, I will simply fix it on my local copy :) good luck

FYI for future reference you can use it like thisto define any paramiko arguments you want without modifying pysros

from import Connection
conn = Connection(
    key_filename = '/home/me/.ssh/key',
    ssh_config = '/dev/null',
    hostkey_verify = False,
    device_params={'name': 'sros'},
    manager_params={'timeout': 300},

This feature is included in release 22.7.1. Add the hostkey_verify=False argument to the connect method. Not recommended for use in a live environment.