
Follow requests are just the person's name

graue opened this issue · 4 comments

graue commented

Hi, when someone requests to follow me, the notification I see in Pinafore is just the person's name. It doesn't say "...requested to follow you" or anything. It doesn't have a way to accept or reject, it only links to their profile.

In this screenshot, the notifications that are just a profile pic and name are follow requests:


This is on a server running Mastodon 4.0.2. I saw an issue, #1800, that sounded related to this, but it appears to be somewhat different.

Yeah looks like follow request notifications are a new thing. This used to work differently in Mastodon – there was a separate endpoint for follow requests.

graue commented

Took a look at implementing this, and I have this so far:


Now it needs a way to accept or reject the request.

I could copy Mastodon's design of inline Accept and Reject buttons, but I generally like to view the requester's profile first, so the flow I'd really like to see here is:

  1. The whole notification is clickable and goes to their profile
  2. On their profile, I can see that they've requested to follow, and accept or reject there

Do you think that makes sense?

Also, I was thinking of compositing the existing user.svg and hourglass.svg to make a new icon of a user with a little hourglass in the corner. (Or on second thought, maybe a user with a question mark in the corner.) That seems clearer than just the hourglass in this context, but let me know if you disagree.

@graue Looks nice! If you'd like to create a new icon, please feel free to go ahead and add it to src/thirdparty/font-awesome-svg-png/. Although just glancing at it, I wonder if the "icon within an icon" would be too small to distinguish at that size, so I'd be fine with just the hourglass.

I was originally thinking that the follow request notification, when clicked, could go to /requests (i.e. the list of follow requests). Sure it's the full list of follow requests, but I figure most people won't have a lot at any one time. Plus it's easy to implement.

Going to the profile page is fine too, but they might be confused about how to accept the follow request. I don't think there's currently a way to do this from the profile page.

It looks like this is actually a duplicate of #1800