
Running the quickstart: nomad_oasis_mongo Error

elect86 opened this issue · 5 comments

As titled, on a fresh VM with Debian 12 I followed all the docs:

  • installed docker, the hello world works fine
  • downloaded and extracted


cd nomad-oasis
sudo chown -R 1000 .volumes
docker compose pull
docker compose up -d

barbie15@nomad:~/nomad-oasis$ sudo docker compose up -d
WARN[0000] The "PWD" variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
WARN[0000] The "PWD" variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
[+] Running 11/11
✔ Network nomad_oasis_network Created 0.0s
✔ Volume "nomad_oasis_mongo" Created 0.0s
✔ Volume "nomad_oasis_rabbitmq" Created 0.0s
✔ Volume "nomad_oasis_elastic" Created 0.0s
✘ Container nomad_oasis_mongo Error 0.2s
✔ Container nomad_oasis_north Started 0.2s
✔ Container nomad_oasis_rabbitmq Healthy 0.2s
✔ Container nomad_oasis_elastic Healthy 0.2s
✔ Container nomad_oasis_app Created 0.1s
✔ Container nomad_oasis_worker Created 0.1s
✔ Container nomad_oasis_proxy Created 0.0s
dependency failed to start: container nomad_oasis_mongo is unhealthy

I'm exploring Nomad for the first time, is nomad_oasis_mongo something I need to worry about or need it?

Forget it, my bad

nomad_oasis_mongo |
nomad_oasis_mongo | WARNING: MongoDB 5.0+ requires a CPU with AVX support, and your current system does not appear to have that!
nomad_oasis_mongo | see
nomad_oasis_mongo | see also
nomad_oasis_mongo | see also docker-library/mongo#485 (comment)
nomad_oasis_mongo |
nomad_oasis_mongo |

Hello !

I encountered this problem sooner today. I read the different links and discussions but I don't really understand what is going on here, I have few knowledge about this stuff.
Do you recall what you did at the time to mitigate this problem ?
I tried to use the version 4.4.18 of the nomad_oasis_mongo but a network issue broke everything and I can't retry it for now...

Hi @Guillaume-Gaisne!

If you encountered this warning:

nomad_oasis_mongo | WARNING: MongoDB 5.0+ requires a CPU with AVX support, and your current system does not appear to have that!

it means that the computer you are using has a CPU that is incompatible with MongoDB, which is one of the dependencies of NOMAD. It could be that your CPU is rather old (<2011) or that it has an unusual architecture.

This is a rather hard limitation that we can't do much on our side, and the easiest fix is to use another computer for installing NOMAD. There is a much harder route that includes compiling MongoDB from source with special flags, but even their documentation says that this is untested and may result in problems.

Hope this helps!

Ok, thanks for the reply !
My problem is that few months ago, someone installed an Oasis on a machine and everything was working well but few weeks ago, i wanted to update this Oasis with some plugins I am developing for a project and I docker compose down the Oasis and quickly docker compose up -d it again without any changes. There, two containers were unhealthy (I can't remember which ones) so I decided to pull the images back and now, I had this problem with MongoDB.
Looking at the available images, I could see that two images for MongoDB were available: 5.0.6 (the one used for the Oasis now) and 4.4.18. As it was working before the shutdown, I suppose that it was working on the 4.4.18 version of the image but no certitude.
So I don't really understand why it was working before and it is not working now, except for this potential version difference.
Though, I tried to install an Oasis on my machine (where everything is working) with the MongoDB set to 4.4.18 and it was not working where 5.0.6 was working correctly.

So possibly you have unintendedly updated at least the mongo image, possibly also the nomad-fair image. This might happen you have at least one of them configured using the :latest tag in your docker-compose.yaml file and then run docker-compose pull.

Since the newest version of nomad-fair requires MongoDB v5, which is not compatible with your particular machine, I think you have two options:

  1. Roll back to on older version of nomad-fair + mongo
  2. Run the Oasis on some other machine.

If you need further help, let me know.