
File preview tool truncates large files

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Dear NOMAD developers,
the file preview tool seems to randomly cut the printout of large files.
Consider the attached Turbomole output file (rename to job.last for importing), when imported as new project and visualized with "preview", its content is first shown correctly, but at certain point, no content is loaded and shown anymore (see screenshot, printing of atomic coordinates just stops at a certain point).
Data extraction seems to work reasonably well, OTOH.
There is no useful info in the docker logs.
NOMAD version: 1.2.2.dev357+g15b7cd2e1 on Docker 25.0.3.

Hi @behnle!

Thanks for the report. I would suspect that there is some issue in our GUI code that might cut the preview too short. We will try to reproduce the problem with the data you provided.

There was indeed a problem with determining when the preview should load more data. This is now fixed in the develop branch (commit 9121e58), but will take some time to be a part of e.g. our central deployments and to our main docker images. If you want to try it right away locally with docker, you could use the image, but this version may not be as stable.

Great! Thanks for fixing the issue. Couldn't test it as i currently cannot update my OASIS, but assuming that the problem is fixed, i close the issue.