
Create a list of HTML features we want to hightlight

nomadtechie opened this issue · 1 comments

Handling New Features

We to showcase as many features of the latest spec, and we will add fallback support for features that are not universally supported.

Feature List:

Did you know HTML could do....?

  • Module Scripts:
    • Fallback handling:
      • Add not supported message that is hidden, and use a CSS animation to show it if its not supported. We need to be careful of jank here.
      • <script nomodule> to run classic script if module script is not supported
  • picture
  • video
  • audio
  • forms (buttons, datalist, fieldset, label...)
  • progress
  • meter
  • details

Here's a feature check for module script. Put it in head

'noModule' in document.currentScript && document.documentElement.classList.add("supports-modules");