
Add support for "component"

Opened this issue · 6 comments

UI Router beta supports "component". It would be great to support it out of the box. Todd Motto's polyfill may assist in some of this. I think you would just need to grab the component and use its controller and template/templateUrl and pass that into the options.

$stateProvider.state("productSearch.confirmSelectParentProductModal", { url: "/update", modal: true, params: { "selectedParentProduct": [] as IProduct[], "selectedProducts": [] as IProduct[] }, template: "<confirm-select-parent-product-modal></confirm-select-parent-product-modal>" } as ng.ui.IState);

this is what i'm doing now. perhaps a simpler solution would be to take the component name and set the template to its DOM tag.

for example, if options.component === "confirmSelectParentProductModal", then template === "".

so far this solution hasn't presented any problems for me.

I haven't used angular components. Can you point me to documentation on how they are used by ui-router in non-modal state definitions?

+1 - this would be awesome. Trying to use components everywhere I would normally have controllers and it's been working fantastic. For more info on component based architecture, check out Todd Motto's guide -

I was having trouble, getting resolve to work with my modal component... adding the following resolve: '<' binding fixed the issue (by pulling in the resolves onto the vm).

        .component('foobar', {
            template: require('./foobar.html'),
            controller: 'FoobarController as $ctrl',
            bindings: {
                resolve: '<'