Different fonts for different inputs
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GoogleCodeExporter commented
Fcitx can change the underlying keyboard layout for the individual IMEs, which
is a *real* boon if English is not the main keyboard layout, thank you for that!
Because this is possible, maybe the following would be possible too? Set fonts
for the individual IMEs.
I use Fcitx with Mozc and Chewing, and my system primarily uses a Japanese
font, which is my main Asian language. But when I write Chinese, Fcitx will
display Chinese with a fallback font if the characters are not in the Japanese
font, which looks ugly (Especially with simplified Chinese).
Some example characters:
See attached file as an example. Essentially, a different font is used for some
If I could select a Japanese font for Mozc, a Chinese CN font for Pinyin,
Chinese TW font for Chewing and Korean font for Hangul, this would look much
(A luxury improvement would be if Fcitx could take the underlying font e.g.
when writing in Libreoffice :D)
Original issue reported on code.google.com by kh36...@gmail.com
on 12 Mar 2014 at 3:50