
Any plan for supporting ironsource?

niraj-prajapati opened this issue · 13 comments

Hey, thanks for the plugin. It's very useful for handling multiple sources.

Do you have any plan for integrating ironsource ads in this package? For some developers like me, it'll be very useful as it doesn't have any limitations and doesn't suspend account. Many of us are using ironsource as primary ad source.

Here's the official documentation link.

can you show me some stats like its fill rate, ECPM or any other helpful material?

see the performance report for month of September & October. After that i migrated app to flutter and since then haven’t used it.


@niraj-prajapati what kind of ads iron source show? does it show video ads or a single full screen ad like admob? do you have an example of banner and interstitial ad? like some live ad?

It provides rewarded video, interstitial, rewarded interstitial, banner and offerwall. So, all types of ads. I was using rewarded video only. For exploring purpose you can see their demo project:

@niraj-prajapati oh I was asking something else. Google and Facebook show a single snapshot ad but applovin and unity show video ads as interstitial ad, So I was asking do ironsource show video ad as interstitial or a single snapshop/page?

Yes, for interstitial, it shows skippable video ad.

please check the video for reference.

this is from their official demo app

hi @nooralibutt, let me know if you guys are working on it or if you have any plan to implement it in near future.

@niraj-prajapati not right now. If you would like to contribute you are welcome

sure, will try implementing whenever get some free time. thanks

Any updates on that? Would love to see it supported too 🙂

@appinteractive @niraj-prajapati from admob plugin, using mediation we are integrating iron source, you can do the same. All you have to do is to add in build.gradle:

repositories {

maven {
    url ''

dependencies {

implementation  ''


For iOS Add to pod file

pod 'GoogleMobileAdsMediationIronSource'

and our easy ads plugin will support iron source, you don't have to do anything in easy ads.

Plus add mediation in admob for that follow

Can't use google as they are restricting us and many others constantly without giving a reason. But as our and others analysis shown, the suffer massive adClicking bot attacks and blocking you and your mother. It's impossible to use them atm.