
Problem not showing test ads in test devices

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When I launch EasyAds without setting admobConfiguration only test ads are displayed on my test devices, as expected.

The problem is when I need to configure set admobConfiguration to not show ads to minors as below:

admobConfiguration: RequestConfiguration(
tagForChildDirectedTreatment: 1,
tagForUnderAgeOfConsent: 1,
testDeviceIds: [

in this case real ads are displayed on my test devices. I've already tried without setting testDeviceIds and I kept getting real ads.

in testDeviceIds I put the ids that are registered in the ambobs settings

I discovered that I cannot use the ids that are saved in the admobs settings ( and that I need to get the id from the log. The problem is: how can I avoid displaying real ads on devices where I only know the advertising/ifda ID?