
A base-class that provides an easier to work with API as well as facilities to speed up tests written via Selenium 2.0 for ASP .NET

Speed up your ASP .NET integration test-cases written using Selenium 2.0

The provided base-class, BaseIntegrationTest, provides the following facilities to speed up your tests:
 - Re-uses the Selenium web-driver across your all tests
 - Preserves the login across tests if there is no need to re-login.
 - Provides helper methods to save your typing and give your fingers a break!

Here is an example of a test class that inherits from BaseIntegrationTest:

using System;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using OpenQA.Selenium;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Firefox;
namespace Web.UI.Tests
    public class FillFormIntegrationTest : BaseIntegrationTest
        public static void ClassInitialize(TestContext context)
        public static void ClassCleanup()
        public void CanFillAndSubmitFormAfterLogin()
            Assert.AreEqual("Fill out form", driver.Title);
            Type("firstName", "User");
            Type("lastName", "One");
            Type("address1", "99 Test Street");
            Type("city", "Test City");
            Type("state", "TX");
            AssertTextContains(By.CssSelector("confirm-label"), "Submission successful."); 

For further details, check-out my blog post: http://nizarnoorani.com/writing-integration-tests-for-asp-net-with-selenium-2-0-part-2