Question: applying to old issues
rstacruz opened this issue · 1 comments
First of all, thank you for Pull Request Size! It helps me keep a huge PR backlog organised.
Is there any way I can update old pull requests that were present before I installed the app?
I've found that I can individually edit a pull request's description to force-retrigger an update... but I was wondering if it was possible to do so en masse across all open issues somehow.
Hmmmm unfortunately not.
Yes you can update each of the pull requests manually to trigger a request, but not sure of any way to force an update across the board. You could make a script on your end to traverse all your PRs and make a small update perhaps.
The reason for this os because pull-request-size listens to GitHub webhook activity. And if there is no update, then no event is sent to pull-request-size.
And I don't believe I have the ability to traverse through all your PRs. I've attempted to setup permission so the the surface area is as small as possible.