Applies labels to Pull Requests based on the total lines of code changed.
- laurentzziuBucharest, Romania
- shunkakinokishunkakinoki.eth
- raisiqueiraRecife, Brazil
- bntzionode_modules
- mateuscumerlattoJoinville, Santa Catarina, Brazil.
- cirocfcJoinville, Santa Catarina, Brazil
- robertoduessmannBerlin
- sbrichardsonDenver & SF
- jessebyeAuburn CA
- ChathulaBerlin, Germany
- connoradsLondon
- VirtualDOMinicLondon
- DerGutBerlin
- bsoykaLeavenworth, KS
- lexor/dev/null
- ognusSydney, Australia
- caffkaneCanada
- wrghtwanda
- razamirzaVancouver, BC, Canada
- aevaldasVilnius, Lithuania
- Stedoss
- billyyyyy3320Taiwan
- ManUtopiKFrance
- jvaillCanada
- anushkrishnavRochester, NY
- artinnokAstana, Kazakhstan
- RodrigoPereyraDiazMar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina
- heitorlessaNetherlands
- marcaubererHeidelberg / Germany
- BloeckchengrafikHesse, Germany
- TheTechRoboigloo land™
- ducan-neundefined
- tedmistonRemote
- felippepuhle
- notpushkin
- dec0dOS