noqcks's Following
- skimke
- NicHaleyMapform
- rebeccaqu
- nickslavsky
- aboodman@rocicorp
- kemitchellJourneyman Deal Mechanic
- mistercrunchpreset-io
- rinoc
- zachhuff386Pritunl
- natGitHub
- olix0r@BuoyantIO @Linkerd
- shihanwanCo-Founder of Xeol
- jvns
- rnCambridge
- gordaniaAda
- davidhariri@AdaSupport
- amackeraVancouver, BC
- torvaldsLinux Foundation
- jbenetProtocol Labs
- thockinGoogle
- kevinxucs
- tianon@docker, but thoughts, comments, commits generally his own ("do not represent the views of Docker, Inc" etc etc)
- lambyFreelancer for hire. Maybe.
- brannondorsey@runwayml
- saeedaghabozorgiCanada
- jonromeroJon V
- llSourcellSan Francisco, CA
- jeroenvisser101@koode
- frnsys( ˘▽˘)っ♨
- siebenmannToronto, Ontario, Canada
- nikhilmUnited States
- rdallmanSlowly and Painfully Working Out the Surprisingly Obvious
- treederSan Francisco, CA
- thousandsofthem
- seiflotfy@axiomhq
- rkononovUber