dev20240920: Flash LED Mode 'GPS fix lost' stopped working
Closed this issue · 5 comments
Flash LED Mode 'GPS fix lost' stopped working.
internal GPS deactivated, GPS data fed via WiFi (AvNav/SignalK)
stopping GPS doesn't trigger LED anymore
The LED indicator is only working for internal hardware GPS and not working for external GPS data. This is not a bug.
For OBP60 V1 this setting causes the LED to flash, when no GPS data are received. It serves extremely well as indicator for a broken wifi-connection - not an uncommon event in a raspberry pi (openplotter) environment. In particular with 'hold values' set to 'on' a dropped wifi-connection will pass completely unnoticed.
side note: I assume, setting LED-flash in mode 'bus data' also refers to internal bus of OBP60, correct?
I will further explore this issue, as under certain (rare?) circumstances, the LED in fact flashes and message 'no GPS data' is shown even if internal GPS is set to 'off'.
fixed by latest commit