
Remove dev dependencies

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Would be nice to remove the coffee-script and livescript dependencies. Just move them to devDependencies in package.json.

It has those dependencies because of the whole being able to use those languages in the <script> tags, so they aren't really devDependencies since I made it javascript only now. I'm guessing that you don't use that feature though. I could separate it into separate modules (like ractiveify-livescript, ractiveify-coffeescript, etc...) that have support for those compilers individually... That will take a little time though and a bit of a redesign. But it does seem like the better way to do it.

Or leave as it is. It's not a big deal.

I may do it anyway as an exercise, but also because it will make it easier for adding other compilers (like sass). To be honest this is my first npm module, and I made it in a few hours because I needed it, so any suggestions are welcome.

I like the idea to have only one plugin to transform Ractive components and templates. By now I'm using two plugins for this.

I hope you know you can do both with this one right? The object that is returned by require('name.ract') parses the file and returns an object in the form {template: "..."}. What's the other plugin?