
Theme customization: Uniform Mode Lines

arcticicestudio opened this issue · 0 comments

Related to #32


A theme customization should be added to allow users to enable uniform activate- and inactive mode lines using nord3 as background. The default should be left to nord1 as background color.

Default mode lines - Different background colors for active- and inactive mode lines

This option should make use of contrast difference by using different background colors for active (focused windows)- and inactive (unfocused windows) mode lines.

Uniform mode lines - Uniform background colors for active- and inactive status lines

This option should make use of the same background color for active (focused windows)- and inactive (unfocused windows) mode lines to achieve a uniform style while the nord8 foreground color indicates which window is focused.

The customization should be available through the nord-uniform-mode-lines variable of type boolean.


(setq nord-uniform-mode-lines t)