
Using degraded color (avoid using color name)

DVN196 opened this issue · 1 comments

I use emacsclient on both terminal and gui and I use after-make-frame-functions to reload nord-theme when open a new frame to correct the color. But if I have a GUI frame opened and tried to open emacsclient on terminal, it will crash immediately because there are no definition for bright colors on emacs GUI. Can we use something similar to solarized's solarized-term-color to avoid using "bright*" color name?

Sorry for the late reply ⌚

Unfortunately I can not completely follow your description about the problem. The bright* color names are necessary to make the theme compatible for 16-bit environments like a terminal. The colors of Solarized are defined the same way except that it includes more definitions like e.g. 8-bit colors.

I'd be nice to have a step-by-step reproduction guide including a minimal config. Maybe add a diff where you changed the part of the Nord theme which you'd like to see to be changed in the repository.