
Wrong color in terminal

JesusMtnez opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm trying to use this theme on my personal emacs configuration. But colors are not correct if I opened emacs in a terminal.

  • OS: Linux Sirius 4.18.4-arch1-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Aug 22 07:33:26 UTC 2018 x86_64 GNU/Linux
  • Terminal: gnome-terminal with nord-theme (I've also tried tilix with nord-theme, and the result is the same).
  • $TERM = xterm-256color
  • GNU Emacs 26.1
  • Emacs setup code:
(use-package nord-theme
    (load-theme 'nord t)))

Emacs UI


Emacs Terminal


I've used other theme until now, one from doom-themes and it worked the same in terminal and ui version. Am I missing any configuration?

After some digging, it seems that I had some values in custom.el (autogenerated) that were messing with my theme configuration. I've just removed it and restarted emacs, and it works! 👍