
CLion support not working?

bobbbay opened this issue Β· 4 comments

Hey y'all! Just grabbed Nord on my beloved CLion. Sadly, seems like my whole editor isn't Nordified :(.


Seems fairly strange to me that a JetBrains theme doesn't work on all editors.


Hi @bobbbay πŸ‘‹

Which Nord plugin version do you have installed?
Did you activate the UI theme in the preferences after the installation?

Hi Team πŸ‘‹πŸΌ

I feel so stupid πŸ˜…. I activated it in Color Scheme but not in Appearance, haha.

As a side question, should target or cmake-build-debug look like this?


No problem, nice to see it works for you now πŸ‘πŸ»
The problem regarding the β€œsub-optimalβ€œ highlighting of Git-ignored tree items is still a know problem that is tracked in the pinned issue #57.

Perfect, thanks for the awesome "customer" support! πŸ˜‰