
Documentation clarifiction: How to change the color pallet?

ioogithub opened this issue · 1 comments

I have been reading about the different color pallet options here:

I have been using the nord tmux theme for several years but I would like to change the color pallet from the default to nord 11 or 12. How can this be done? I didn't see mention of it in the I looked in the src folder I see nord.conf has colors defined for each element but nothing about the overall pallet. I couldn't find anything in nord.tmux file for pallet.

In my .tmux.conf I simply have this:

set -g @tpm_plugins '  \
    arcticicestudio/nord-tmux \

which gives me the pale blue and green. I was hoping it would be as easy as changing nord0 to nord13 on a pallet= line but I can't find how to do it.

How can I change the pallet? Thank you.

Hi, I also use this tmux plugin. In my case the color palette of the status bar comes from the terminal colors I use in my kitty config. I am not sure if that is the intended way, but it kind of makes it easier to customize.