
Disable transparency

huyhoang8398 opened this issue · 3 comments

I want to disable transparency while using nvim without disable transparency in terminal itself

Hi @huyhoang8398 👋

Rendering transparent/vibrant styles is part of the rendering engine, either by configuring it for the engine itself or within the terminal (which will use window manager hints to instruct the engine).
On Linux systems this can vary based in the used engine, e.g. the [opacity configurations when using Picom][2

A Vim theme is not responsible for styling these kind of things and there are no statements in this theme that do so.

@huyhoang8398 have you been able to solve the problem? If so it would be nice if you could post the solution so other users who find this issue can also use it.

Closing for now, please feel free to reply if you'd like to follow up on this topic.