
Payment Not Completed Error

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Hi @norfolkmustard

I have integrated the Applepay JS into my Website following your guide. My merchantValidation object looks like :


However, on passing this to session.completeMerchantValidation, I keeping getting Payment Not Completed Error and the payment sheet keeps closing immediately.


Note: I am executing my code in my local enviroment which is different from the one being passed in the domainName in the merchantValidation object.

Please help me out.

KeIMG commented

I have the similar issue but stuck in "Processing"

Hi Guys

I've not seen this working at all in a local environment, needs to be running on the domain associated with the setup you have on

KeIMG commented

Thanks Norfolkmustard,
I have setup on my dev server with compatible ssl certificate, not local environment.
Another thing, with your apple_pay_comm.php, you don't echo the merchantsession object, so how does the js receive this merchantsession object for the session.completeMerchantValidation API?

i have same issue

same issue here
The SSL connection could not be established, see inner exception.

I am facing the same problem. Did anyone find the solution? Thanks!