
Checking only Files in PR - .swiftlint.yml is not respected

ben-ole opened this issue · 1 comments

When using the configuration option

 - name: SwiftLint
      uses: norio-nomura/action-swiftlint@3.1.0
        DIFF_BASE: ${{ github.base_ref }}
        args: --strict

in order to check only files of the current PR, my .swiftlint.yml configuration (containing some exclusion filters) is not taken into account.

Removing the line DIFF_BASE: ${{ github.base_ref }} re-enables my .swiftlint.yml configuration.

If found that adding
--config YOUR_SWIFTLINT_PATH.yml on the args: comments helps with this issue.

However, I cannot seem to have the action only scan PR only files with this. Hope this helps!