
Generator is not working

Opened this issue · 3 comments

mb8z commented

I downloaded the gem and installed it, and when trying to run the rails g friendly_id_globalize I get Could not find generator 'friendly_id_globalize'. Maybe you meant 'friendly_id', 'react_on_rails:base' or 'resource_route'

Hello! Can you please clarify - how did you install it?

Same problem on rails 5.1.

gem 'friendly_id-globalize' in gem file
bundle install

then ran generator and got same message as above

I have solved it by getting the gem directly from github. I incurred in the same problem with friendly_id '5.1.0' and friendly_id-globalize '1.0.0.alpha2, so now in my Gemfile I have this:

gem 'friendly_id', '~> 5.2.0'
gem 'friendly_id-globalize', git: ''