
create_lsh_codes.m unfefined function 'fvecs_read'

simongog opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi there. I tried to use the matlab script described in the README file to generate lsh codes to feed into your benchmark, but I get an error that a function called fvecs_read is not available. Can you please check this?
Do I have to include other matlab code?

>> run('create_lsh_codes.m')
Computing the data mean for the sift_1M dataset... 
Undefined function or variable 'fvecs_read'.

Error in create_lsh_codes (line 60)
    trdata = fvecs_read([datahome, '/ANN_SIFT1M/sift/sift_learn.fvecs']);

Thanks you.

Hello, Yes, please download matlab files from, and store them in the matlab directory.

Thanks @norouzi ! Maybe downloading these scripts should be automized in the script?

I assumed that downloading the matlab files associated with the inria dataset should be part of downloading the data, and after taking a closer look I think the matlab files for inria were supposed to be stored under data/inria/matlab.

Unless, we automate the data download, we should not automate download of the matlab files, I think. But feel free to initiate any pull request that you think will be helpful for the user.