
This is the official client library for interacting with the GleSYS API

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


This is the official client library for interacting with the GleSYS API.


  • Go 1.11 or higher. Required for modules support, older versions may still build but are not guaranteed to work.

Getting Started


go get github.com/glesys/glesys-go


To use the glesys-go library you need a GleSYS Cloud account and a valid API key. You can sign up for an account at https://glesys.com/signup. After signing up visit https://cloud.glesys.com to create an API key for your Project.

Set up a Client

client := glesys.NewClient("CL12345", "your-api-key", "my-application/0.0.1")

Create a Server

// Create a Server
server, err := client.Servers.Create(context.Background(), glesys.CreateServerParams{Password: "..."}.WithDefaults())

List all Servers

// List all Servers
servers, err := client.Servers.List(context.Background())

User agent

To be able to monitor usage and help track down issues, we encourage you to provide a user agent string identifying your application or library. Recommended syntax is my-library/version or www.example.com.


glesys-go uses Go's context library to handle timeouts and deadlines. All functions making HTTP requests requires a context argument.


Full documentation is available at https://godoc.org/github.com/glesys/glesys-go.


We love Pull Requests

  1. Fork the repo.
  2. Make sure to run the tests to verify that you're starting with a clean slate.
  3. Add a test for your change, make sure it fails. Refactoring existing code or improving documentation does not require new tests.
  4. Make the changes and ensure the test pass.
  5. Commit your changes, push to your fork and submit a Pull Request.


Please use the formatting provided by gofmt.


The contents of this repository are distributed under the MIT license, see LICENSE.