
helm-docs as pre-commit marked as failed but successfully replaces files

AaronSeibert opened this issue · 1 comments

Having some trouble figuring out why they helm-docs pre-commit hook is failing. Any time new readmes get generated, it fails the first time. It generates the README files, and re-committing while adding the newly generating README files then works without failure. I’ve tried enabling trace logs for helm-docs, but not seeing anything that would indicate the failure:

❯ pre-commit --version
pre-commit 3.1.1

❯ helm-docs --version
helm-docs version 1.11.0
Helm Docs................................................................Failed
- hook id: helm-docs
- files were modified by this hook

DEBU[2023-03-11T12:05:51-05:00] No ignore file found at /Volumes/PortableOne/Projects/Personal/helm-charts/.helmdocsignore, using empty ignore rules 
INFO[2023-03-11T12:05:51-05:00] Found Chart directories [base, paperless, paperless-ngx, postgres, redis] 
DEBU[2023-03-11T12:05:51-05:00] Rendering from optional template files [./_templates.gotmpl,] 
DEBU[2023-03-11T12:05:51-05:00] Rendering from optional template files [./_templates.gotmpl,] 
INFO[2023-03-11T12:05:51-05:00] Generating README Documentation for chart charts/postgres 
INFO[2023-03-11T12:05:51-05:00] Generating README Documentation for chart charts/redis 
INFO[2023-03-11T12:05:51-05:00] Generating README Documentation for chart charts/paperless-ngx 
INFO[2023-03-11T12:05:51-05:00] Generating README Documentation for chart charts/base 
WARN[2023-03-11T12:05:51-05:00] Chart in "charts/paperless" has a remote dependency "base". Dependency values will not be included. 
WARN[2023-03-11T12:05:51-05:00] Chart in "charts/paperless" has a remote dependency "paperless-ngx". Dependency values will not be included. 
WARN[2023-03-11T12:05:51-05:00] Chart in "charts/paperless" has a remote dependency "postgres". Dependency values will not be included. 
WARN[2023-03-11T12:05:51-05:00] Chart in "charts/paperless" has a remote dependency "redis". Dependency values will not be included. 
INFO[2023-03-11T12:05:51-05:00] Generating README Documentation for chart charts/paperless 
DEBU[2023-03-11T12:05:51-05:00] Using template files [./_templates.gotmpl] for chart charts/base 
DEBU[2023-03-11T12:05:51-05:00] Using template files [./_templates.gotmpl] for chart charts/paperless-ngx 
DEBU[2023-03-11T12:05:51-05:00] Using template files [./_templates.gotmpl] for chart charts/redis 
DEBU[2023-03-11T12:05:51-05:00] Using template files [./_templates.gotmpl] for chart charts/postgres 
DEBU[2023-03-11T12:05:51-05:00] Using template files [./_templates.gotmpl] for chart charts/paperless


  - repo:
    rev: v1.11.0
      - id: helm-docs
          # Make the tool search for charts only under the `charts` directory
          - --chart-search-root=charts

          # The `./` makes it relative to the chart-search-root set above
          - --template-files=./_templates.gotmpl

          # Repeating the flag adds this to the list, now [./_templates.gotmpl,]
          # A base filename makes it relative to each chart directory found
          # Document our dependency values
          - --document-dependency-values
          # Sort values based on file order, not alphanumeric
          - --sort-values-order=file

          # Increase log level to try to figure out why it's marking as failed
          - --log-level=trace

I’m not really sure where else to go from here troubleshooting wise. This is a new implementation of both helm-docs and pre-commit, so I can’t say that it was previously working.

I’m going to close this as further research in to this it is by design in the pre-commit package.