
@latest produces different files than last release (1.11.0), missing a newline at the end of file

stefanandres opened this issue · 4 comments

we recently noticed that one of the last commits since the last release changes the behavior of having a newline at the end of the generated file.

Since most markdown linters complain about missing newlines ( I think it would be best to have them.

I couldn't find the commit responsible for this, nor any configuration to specify the explicit behavior.

How can we force it to have newlines with the latest code?


root@14f226924d8b:/helm-docs# go install
root@14f226924d8b:/helm-docs# /home/runner/go/bin/helm-docs --chart-search-root=charts/istio/
INFO[2023-08-01T11:59:46Z] Found Chart directories [istio-1.17.3]
INFO[2023-08-01T11:59:46Z] Generating README Documentation for chart charts/istio/istio-1.17.3
root@14f226924d8b:/helm-docs# cat -A charts/istio/istio-1.17.3/|tail -n 1
| kiali.tunnelCname | string | `""` | The DNS name at which the Cloudflare tunnel to the cluster is available. |$


root@14f226924d8b:/helm-docs# go install
root@14f226924d8b:/helm-docs# /home/runner/go/bin/helm-docs --chart-search-root=charts/istio/
INFO[2023-08-01T11:57:50Z] Found Chart directories [istio-1.17.3]
INFO[2023-08-01T11:57:50Z] Generating README Documentation for chart charts/istio/istio-1.17.3
root@14f226924d8b:/helm-docs# cat -A charts/istio/istio-1.17.3/|tail -n 1
| kiali.tunnelCname | string | `""` | The DNS name at which the Cloudflare tunnel to the cluster is available. |root@14f226924d8b:/helm-docs# 

It's probably related to #178

Another data point: there seems to be some fighting between end-of-file-fixer and helm-docs:

  - repo:
    rev: v4.4.0
      - id: end-of-file-fixer
Nepo26 commented

Hey, sorry by the late response.

As this probably was a problem related from a minor change, it was just reverted and a new tag was pushed.

If you can confirm if it's working as expected for you.

@stefanandres @lhriley

Nepo26 commented

As there was no comment, I'm assuming that everything is ok. Closing the issue.