
optipngtranslator crashes apps when used

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Saving as optimized PNG crashes WonderBruch and ArtPaint. Same debug report:

Debug information for team /Source/ArtPaint/dist/ArtPaint (3927):
CPU(s): 8x Intel Core™ i7-4712MQ
Memory: 15.92 GiB total, 1.51 GiB used
Haiku revision: hrev52663 Dec 17 2018 21:58:34 (BePC)

Active Threads:
	thread 3927: ArtPaint (main)
	thread 3932: w>Tools 
	thread 3935: w>Brushes 
	thread 3946: w>(*) Untitled - 1 
	thread 4227: w>ArtPaint: Save image 
	thread 4240: team 3927 debug task 
	thread 4239: save image 
		state: Exception (Segment violation)

		Frame		IP			Function Name
		0x71ff8c20	0x1e876fa	OptiPNGTranslator::DerivedTranslate(BPositionIO*, translator_info*, BMessage*, uint32, translator_info*, int32) + 0x17e 
				OptiPNGTranslator::DerivedTranslate(BPositionIO*, translator_info*, BMessage*, uint32, translator_info*, int32):
				0x01e8757c:               55  push %ebp
				0x01e8757d:             89e5  mov %esp, %ebp
				0x01e8757f:     81ec1c010000  sub $0x11c, %esp
				0x01e87585:               57  push %edi
				0x01e87586:               56  push %esi
				0x01e87587:               53  push %ebx
				0x01e87588:       e800000000  call 0x1e8758d
				0x01e8758d:               5b  pop %ebx
				0x01e8758e:     81c33f630000  add $0x633f, %ebx
				0x01e87594:           8b7d0c  mov 0xc(%ebp), %edi
				0x01e87597:         837d2001  cmp $0x1, 0x20(%ebp)
				0x01e8759b:     0f8543060000  jnz 0x1e87be4
				0x01e875a1:   817d18474e504f  cmp $0x4f504e47, 0x18(%ebp)
				0x01e875a8:     0f8536060000  jnz 0x1e87be4
				0x01e875ae:           83c4f4  add $0xfffffff4, %esp
				0x01e875b1:           8d75e4  lea -0x1c(%ebp), %esi
				0x01e875b4:               56  push %esi
				0x01e875b5:       e88af7ffff  call 0x1e86d44
				0x01e875ba:           83c4f4  add $0xfffffff4, %esp
				0x01e875bd:           8d45e0  lea -0x20(%ebp), %eax
				0x01e875c0:               50  push %eax
				0x01e875c1:       e8aef6ffff  call 0x1e86c74
				0x01e875c6:           83c420  add $0x20, %esp
				0x01e875c9:             6a00  push $0x0
				0x01e875cb:           83c4fe  add $0xfffffffe, %esp
				0x01e875ce:           666a00  push $0x0
				0x01e875d1:           8d75e4  lea -0x1c(%ebp), %esi
				0x01e875d4:               56  push %esi
				0x01e875d5:       68de070000  push $0x7de
				0x01e875da:       e855f5ffff  call 0x1e86b34
				0x01e875df:           83c410  add $0x10, %esp
				0x01e875e2:             85c0  test %eax, %eax
				0x01e875e4:             7426  jz 0x1e8760c
				0x01e875e6:           83c4f8  add $0xfffffff8, %esp
				0x01e875e9:             6a02  push $0x2
				0x01e875eb:           8d45e0  lea -0x20(%ebp), %eax
				0x01e875ee:               50  push %eax
				0x01e875ef:       e840f8ffff  call 0x1e86e34
				0x01e875f4:           83c4f8  add $0xfffffff8, %esp
				0x01e875f7:             6a02  push $0x2
				0x01e875f9:           8d75e4  lea -0x1c(%ebp), %esi
				0x01e875fc:               56  push %esi
				0x01e875fd:       e8d2f9ffff  call 0x1e86fd4
				0x01e87602:       b8ffffffff  mov $0xffffffff, %eax
				0x01e87607:       e9cc070000  jmp 0x1e87dd8
				0x01e8760c:           83c4f4  add $0xfffffff4, %esp
				0x01e8760f:           8d55e4  lea -0x1c(%ebp), %edx
				0x01e87612:               52  push %edx
				0x01e87613:       e86cf5ffff  call 0x1e86b84
				0x01e87618:           83c410  add $0x10, %esp
				0x01e8761b:           83c4f8  add $0xfffffff8, %esp
				0x01e8761e:               50  push %eax
				0x01e8761f:           8d45e0  lea -0x20(%ebp), %eax
				0x01e87622:               50  push %eax
				0x01e87623:       e88cfaffff  call 0x1e870b4
				0x01e87628:             89c2  mov %eax, %edx
				0x01e8762a:           83c410  add $0x10, %esp
				0x01e8762d:     8d8396d9ffff  lea -0x266a(%ebx), %eax
				0x01e87633:           83c4f8  add $0xfffffff8, %esp
				0x01e87636:               50  push %eax
				0x01e87637:               52  push %edx
				0x01e87638:       e877faffff  call 0x1e870b4
				0x01e8763d:           83c410  add $0x10, %esp
				0x01e87640:           83c4f4  add $0xfffffff4, %esp
				0x01e87643:           83c4f8  add $0xfffffff8, %esp
				0x01e87646:             6a00  push $0x0
				0x01e87648:           8d55e0  lea -0x20(%ebp), %edx
				0x01e8764b:               52  push %edx
				0x01e8764c:       e823f8ffff  call 0x1e86e74
				0x01e87651:               50  push %eax
				0x01e87652:       e86df9ffff  call 0x1e86fc4
				0x01e87657:             89c6  mov %eax, %esi
				0x01e87659:           83c420  add $0x20, %esp
				0x01e8765c:           83c4f8  add $0xfffffff8, %esp
				0x01e8765f:             6aff  push $0xffffffff
				0x01e87661:           8d45e0  lea -0x20(%ebp), %eax
				0x01e87664:               50  push %eax
				0x01e87665:       e82af4ffff  call 0x1e86a94
				0x01e8766a:           83c410  add $0x10, %esp
				0x01e8766d:           83feff  cmp $0xffffffff, %esi
				0x01e87670:             7526  jnz 0x1e87698
				0x01e87672:           83c4f8  add $0xfffffff8, %esp
				0x01e87675:             6a02  push $0x2
				0x01e87677:           8d55e0  lea -0x20(%ebp), %edx
				0x01e8767a:               52  push %edx
				0x01e8767b:       e8b4f7ffff  call 0x1e86e34
				0x01e87680:           83c4f8  add $0xfffffff8, %esp
				0x01e87683:             6a02  push $0x2
				0x01e87685:           8d45e4  lea -0x1c(%ebp), %eax
				0x01e87688:               50  push %eax
				0x01e87689:       e846f9ffff  call 0x1e86fd4
				0x01e8768e:       b8ffffffff  mov $0xffffffff, %eax
				0x01e87693:       e940070000  jmp 0x1e87dd8
				0x01e87698:           83c4f4  add $0xfffffff4, %esp
				0x01e8769b:               56  push %esi
				0x01e8769c:       e8d3faffff  call 0x1e87174
				0x01e876a1:           83c4fc  add $0xfffffffc, %esp
				0x01e876a4:             6a01  push $0x1
				0x01e876a6:           8b45e0  mov -0x20(%ebp), %eax
				0x01e876a9:             85c0  test %eax, %eax
				0x01e876ab:             7506  jnz 0x1e876b3
				0x01e876ad:     8d833ed9ffff  lea -0x26c2(%ebx), %eax
				0x01e876b3:               50  push %eax
				0x01e876b4:     8d8578ffffff  lea -0x88(%ebp), %eax
				0x01e876ba:               50  push %eax
				0x01e876bb:       e814f4ffff  call 0x1e86ad4
				0x01e876c0:           8b5708  mov 0x8(%edi), %edx
				0x01e876c3:           83c420  add $0x20, %esp
				0x01e876c6:           83c4f8  add $0xfffffff8, %esp
				0x01e876c9:     8d8500ffffff  lea -0x100(%ebp), %eax
				0x01e876cf:               50  push %eax
				0x01e876d0:   0fbf82a8000000  movsx 0xa8(%edx), %eax
				0x01e876d7:             01f8  add %edi, %eax
				0x01e876d9:               50  push %eax
				0x01e876da:     8b82ac000000  mov 0xac(%edx), %eax
				0x01e876e0:             ffd0  call *%eax
				0x01e876e2:     8b8500ffffff  mov -0x100(%ebp), %eax
				0x01e876e8:           83c410  add $0x10, %esp
				0x01e876eb:       25ffffff1f  and $0x1fffffff, %eax
				0x01e876f0:           83c00f  add $0xf, %eax
				0x01e876f3:       25f0ffff3f  and $0x3ffffff0, %eax
				0x01e876f8:             29c4  sub %eax, %esp
				0x01e876fa:       e845f9ffff  call 0x1e87044 <--

			Frame memory:
				Unavailable (Bad address)
		0x71ff8c70	0x1e8943e	BaseTranslator::Translate(BPositionIO*, translator_info*, BMessage*, uint32, translator_info*) + 0x12a 
		0x71ff8ec0	0xd662eb	BTranslatorRoster::Translate(BPositionIO*, translator_info*, BMessage*, translator_info*, uint32, uint32, char*) + 0x137 
		0x71ff9160	0x159f8c6	PaintWindow::_SaveImage(BMessage*) + 0x2ee 
		0x71ff91c0	0x159f4da	PaintWindow::save_image(void*) + 0x62 
		0x71ff91e8	0x1d8f041	thread_entry + 0x21 
		00000000	0x6061f258	commpage_thread_exit + 0 

			  eip:	0x01e876fa
			  esp:	0x71e3b120
			  ebp:	0x71ff8c18
			  eax:	0x001bd9d0
			  ebx:	0x01e8d8cc
			  ecx:	0x1833ada8
			  edx:	0x00000000
			  esi:	0x0000000f
			  edi:	0x1833ada8
			   cs:	0x001b
			   ds:	0x0023
			   es:	0x0023
			   fs:	0x0063
			   gs:	0x0023
			   ss:	0x0023
			  st0:	nan
			  st1:	nan
			  st2:	0
			  st3:	0
			  st4:	0
			  st5:	1
			  st6:	779
			  st7:	0
			  mm0:	{0, 0, 0, 0}
			  mm1:	{0x100, 0, 0, 0}
			  mm2:	{0, 0, 0, 0}
			  mm3:	{0, 0, 0, 0}
			  mm4:	{0, 0, 0, 0}
			  mm5:	{0, 0, 0, 0x8000}
			  mm6:	{0, 0, 0, 0xc2c0}
			  mm7:	{0, 0, 0, 0}
			 xmm0:	{0xe94c, 0xd083, 0x6560, 0x42e4, 0xd4b6, 0xf72d, 0xdf5a, 0x2a6a}
			 xmm1:	{0xb828, 0xd2b2, 0x826, 0x48a7, 0xdfb3, 0x3c98, 0x6000, 0xf024}
			 xmm2:	{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
			 xmm3:	{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
			 xmm4:	{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
			 xmm5:	{0xceed, 0x1767, 0xdb82, 0x47cd, 0x2bbf, 0x4568, 0x8c8a, 0xffcf}
			 xmm6:	{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
			 xmm7:	{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}

Loaded Images:
	ID		Text Base	Text End	Data Base	Data End	Type	Name
	6614	0x002b9000	0x002dc000	0x002dc000	0x002e3000	add-on 	/boot/system/apps/Sanity
	6612	0x002fc000	0x00308000	0x00308000	0x0030b000	add-on 	/boot/system/add-ons/Translators/ICOTranslator
	6555	0x003d3000	0x003e0000	0x003e0000	0x003e3000	add-on 	/Source/ArtPaint/dist/add-ons/
	6558	0x003e8000	0x003f5000	0x003f5000	0x003f8000	add-on 	/Source/ArtPaint/dist/add-ons/
	6548	0x003fa000	0x00414000	0x00414000	0x00415000	lib    	/boot/system/lib/
	6608	0x00502000	0x0050d000	0x0050d000	0x00510000	add-on 	/boot/system/add-ons/Translators/PPMTranslator
	6553	0x00540000	0x0054d000	0x0054d000	0x00550000	add-on 	/Source/ArtPaint/dist/add-ons/
	6547	0x00587000	0x006f9000	0x006f9000	0x0072d000	lib    	/boot/system/lib/
	6588	0x00730000	0x0073c000	0x0073c000	0x0073e000	add-on 	/boot/system/add-ons/Translators/EXRTranslator
	6557	0x00744000	0x00751000	0x00751000	0x00754000	add-on 	/Source/ArtPaint/dist/add-ons/
	6554	0x0075a000	0x00768000	0x00768000	0x0076b000	add-on 	/Source/ArtPaint/dist/add-ons/
	6545	0x00783000	0x0078e000	0x0078e000	0x00791000	lib    	/boot/system/lib/
	6611	0x007ad000	0x007b9000	0x007b9000	0x007bc000	add-on 	/boot/system/add-ons/Translators/BMPTranslator
	6602	0x007bc000	0x007c8000	0x007c8000	0x007cb000	add-on 	/boot/system/add-ons/Translators/WebPTranslator
	6593	0x00802000	0x00821000	0x00821000	0x00826000	lib    	/boot/system/lib/
	6582	0x00840000	0x0084f000	0x0084f000	0x00850000	lib    	/boot/system/lib/
	6603	0x00851000	0x008a1000	0x008a1000	0x008ad000	lib    	/boot/system/lib/
	6600	0x008ae000	0x008b8000	0x008b8000	0x008ba000	add-on 	/boot/system/add-ons/Translators/HVIFTranslator
	6567	0x008be000	0x008cb000	0x008cb000	0x008de000	add-on 	/Source/ArtPaint/dist/add-ons/
	6590	0x00936000	0x00960000	0x00960000	0x0096b000	lib    	/boot/system/lib/
	6609	0x009a1000	0x009b5000	0x009b5000	0x009b9000	add-on 	/boot/system/add-ons/Translators/JPEGTranslator
	6573	0x009ca000	0x009d8000	0x009d8000	0x009db000	add-on 	/Source/ArtPaint/dist/add-ons/
	6574	0x00af0000	0x00afd000	0x00afd000	0x00b01000	add-on 	/Source/ArtPaint/dist/add-ons/
	6618	0x00b69000	0x00b6f000	0x00b6f000	0x00b70000	lib    	/boot/system/lib/
	6595	0x00b7c000	0x00bd9000	0x00bd9000	0x00bec000	lib    	/boot/system/lib/
	6563	0x00bef000	0x00bfa000	0x00bfa000	0x00bfc000	add-on 	/Source/ArtPaint/dist/add-ons/
	6610	0x00cec000	0x00cf8000	0x00cf8000	0x00cfb000	add-on 	/boot/system/add-ons/Translators/PNGTranslator
	6538	0x00d53000	0x00d6a000	0x00d6a000	0x00d6f000	lib    	/boot/system/lib/
	6581	0x00df9000	0x00e04000	0x00e04000	0x00e07000	add-on 	/boot/system/add-ons/Translators/ICNSTranslator
	6536	0x00e0c000	0x010dd000	0x010dd000	0x01177000	lib    	/boot/system/lib/
	6592	0x01178000	0x01183000	0x01183000	0x01187000	lib    	/boot/system/lib/
	6556	0x0118b000	0x01198000	0x01198000	0x0119b000	add-on 	/Source/ArtPaint/dist/add-ons/Color
	6591	0x0119b000	0x011a1000	0x011a1000	0x011a3000	lib    	/boot/system/lib/
	6577	0x011a3000	0x011b3000	0x011b3000	0x011c6000	add-on 	/Source/ArtPaint/dist/add-ons/
	6607	0x011cd000	0x011db000	0x011db000	0x011dd000	add-on 	/boot/system/add-ons/Translators/TGATranslator
	6604	0x011df000	0x011f0000	0x011f0000	0x011f4000	add-on 	/boot/system/add-ons/Translators/RTFTranslator
	6596	0x011f5000	0x01201000	0x01201000	0x01203000	add-on 	/boot/system/add-ons/Translators/STXTTranslator
	6615	0x01203000	0x0121e000	0x0121e000	0x01224000	lib    	/boot/system/lib/
	6549	0x01226000	0x0131d000	0x0131d000	0x01320000	lib    	/boot/system/lib/
	6576	0x01330000	0x0133f000	0x0133f000	0x01352000	add-on 	/Source/ArtPaint/dist/add-ons/
	6597	0x013df000	0x013eb000	0x013eb000	0x013ee000	add-on 	/boot/system/add-ons/Translators/TIFFTranslator
	6580	0x013f7000	0x01406000	0x01406000	0x01409000	add-on 	/boot/system/add-ons/Translators/PSDTranslator
	6543	0x01449000	0x01452000	0x01452000	0x01454000	lib    	/boot/system/lib/
	6569	0x014fe000	0x01508000	0x01508000	0x0150a000	add-on 	/Source/ArtPaint/dist/add-ons/
	6535	0x0150c000	0x0160f000	0x0160f000	0x01637000	app    	/Source/ArtPaint/dist/ArtPaint
	6571	0x01639000	0x01643000	0x01643000	0x01645000	add-on 	/Source/ArtPaint/dist/add-ons/
	6579	0x01648000	0x01669000	0x01669000	0x0166f000	add-on 	/boot/system/add-ons/Translators/RAWTranslator
	6606	0x01684000	0x01691000	0x01691000	0x01694000	add-on 	/boot/system/add-ons/Translators/SGITranslator
	6566	0x01698000	0x016a4000	0x016a4000	0x016a6000	add-on 	/Source/ArtPaint/dist/add-ons/
	6616	0x016a9000	0x016bd000	0x016bd000	0x016c1000	lib    	/boot/system/lib/
	6584	0x016c8000	0x016f2000	0x016f2000	0x016f8000	lib    	/boot/system/lib/
	6562	0x0170b000	0x01715000	0x01715000	0x01718000	add-on 	/Source/ArtPaint/dist/add-ons/
	6583	0x01730000	0x01797000	0x01797000	0x017a1000	lib    	/boot/system/lib/
	6599	0x017a2000	0x017b2000	0x017b2000	0x017b5000	add-on 	/boot/system/add-ons/Translators/WonderBrushTranslator
	6546	0x017c4000	0x017fd000	0x017fd000	0x01834000	lib    	/boot/system/lib/
	6586	0x018b1000	0x018ed000	0x018ed000	0x018f2000	lib    	/boot/system/lib/
	6539	0x018f8000	0x0192a000	0x0192a000	0x01937000	lib    	/boot/system/lib/
	6570	0x01988000	0x01993000	0x01993000	0x01995000	add-on 	/Source/ArtPaint/dist/add-ons/
	6587	0x019a1000	0x019b1000	0x019b1000	0x019b5000	add-on 	/boot/system/add-ons/Translators/JPEG2000Translator
	6542	0x01a1e000	0x01caf000	0x01caf000	0x01d18000	lib    	/boot/system/lib/
	6552	0x01d23000	0x01d2d000	0x01d2d000	0x01d2f000	add-on 	/Source/ArtPaint/dist/add-ons/
	6568	0x01d2f000	0x01d3a000	0x01d3a000	0x01d3c000	add-on 	/Source/ArtPaint/dist/add-ons/
	6605	0x01d3c000	0x01d46000	0x01d46000	0x01d49000	add-on 	/boot/system/add-ons/Translators/PCXTranslator
	6559	0x01d4c000	0x01d56000	0x01d56000	0x01d58000	add-on 	/Source/ArtPaint/dist/add-ons/
	6540	0x01d5c000	0x01e33000	0x01e33000	0x01e7f000	lib    	/boot/system/lib/
	6613	0x01e81000	0x01e8c000	0x01e8c000	0x01e8f000	add-on 	/boot/system/add-ons/Translators/OptiPNGTranslator
	6572	0x01e91000	0x01ea2000	0x01ea2000	0x01ea6000	add-on 	/Source/ArtPaint/dist/add-ons/
	6560	0x01eb0000	0x01ebb000	0x01ebb000	0x01ebd000	add-on 	/Source/ArtPaint/dist/add-ons/
	6601	0x01ebd000	0x01ed1000	0x01ed2000	0x01ed5000	add-on 	/boot/system/add-ons/Translators/GIFTranslator
	6575	0x01ed6000	0x01ee6000	0x01ee6000	0x01ee9000	add-on 	/Source/ArtPaint/dist/add-ons/
	6537	0x01eee000	0x0209d000	0x0209d000	0x020fd000	lib    	/boot/system/lib/
	6565	0x020ff000	0x02109000	0x02109000	0x0210b000	add-on 	/Source/ArtPaint/dist/add-ons/
	6561	0x0211b000	0x02125000	0x02125000	0x02127000	add-on 	/Source/ArtPaint/dist/add-ons/
	6544	0x02154000	0x021a7000	0x021a7000	0x021b2000	lib    	/boot/system/lib/
	6585	0x021cc000	0x02212000	0x02212000	0x02214000	lib    	/boot/system/lib/
	6578	0x02229000	0x02234000	0x02234000	0x02237000	add-on 	/Source/ArtPaint/dist/add-ons/
	6564	0x0225d000	0x0226a000	0x0226a000	0x0226d000	add-on 	/Source/ArtPaint/dist/add-ons/
	6534	0x0228d000	0x022ac000	0x022ac000	0x022af000	lib    	/boot/system/runtime_loader
	6598	0x022c2000	0x02329000	0x02329000	0x02333000	lib    	/boot/system/lib/
	6617	0x023b3000	0x023ea000	0x023ea000	0x023f2000	lib    	/boot/system/lib/
	6589	0x024a9000	0x024eb000	0x024eb000	0x024ec000	lib    	/boot/system/lib/
	6541	0x02824000	0x040a2000	0x040a2000	0x040a3000	lib    	/boot/system/lib/
	6594	0x14475000	0x1472e000	0x1472e000	0x148fb000	lib    	/boot/system/lib/
	6533	0x6061f000	0x60627000	0x00000000	0x00000000	system 	commpage

	ID		Base		End			Size (KiB)	Protection	Locking			Name
	27765	0x0010d000	0x00115000	        32	rw-        	full          	rld heap
	27766	0x00121000	0x00131000	        64	rw-        	full          	rld heap
	27725	0x0013e000	0x0013f000	         4	rw-S       	full          	_rld_debug_
	27724	0x00149000	0x00159000	        64	rw-        	full          	rld heap
	28516	0x002b9000	0x002dc000	       140	r-x        	full          	Sanity_seg0ro
	28517	0x002dc000	0x002e3000	        28	rw-        	full          	Sanity_seg1rw
	28512	0x002fc000	0x00308000	        48	r-x        	full          	ICOTranslator_seg0ro
	28513	0x00308000	0x0030b000	        12	rw-        	full          	ICOTranslator_seg1rw
	27767	0x00368000	0x00378000	        64	rw-        	full          	rld heap
	27788	0x003d3000	0x003e0000	        52	r-x        	full          	Brightness.so_seg0ro
	27789	0x003e0000	0x003e3000	        12	rw-        	full          	Brightness.so_seg1rw
	27794	0x003e8000	0x003f5000	        52	r-x        	full          	Contrast.so_seg0ro
	27795	0x003f5000	0x003f8000	        12	rw-        	full          	Contrast.so_seg1rw
	27760	0x003fa000	0x00414000	       104	r-x        	full 
	27761	0x00414000	0x00415000	         4	rw-        	full 
	28504	0x00502000	0x0050d000	        44	r-x        	full          	PPMTranslator_seg0ro
	28505	0x0050d000	0x00510000	        12	rw-        	full          	PPMTranslator_seg1rw
	27784	0x00540000	0x0054d000	        52	r-x        	full          	AntiDitherer.so_seg0ro
	27785	0x0054d000	0x00550000	        12	rw-        	full          	AntiDitherer.so_seg1rw
	27757	0x00587000	0x006f9000	      1480	r-x        	full 
	27758	0x006f9000	0x0072c000	       204	rw-        	full 
	27759	0x0072c000	0x0072d000	         4	rw-        	full 
	28461	0x00730000	0x0073c000	        48	r-x        	full          	EXRTranslator_seg0ro
	28462	0x0073c000	0x0073e000	         8	rw-        	full          	EXRTranslator_seg1rw
	27792	0x00744000	0x00751000	        52	r-x        	full          	ColorSeparator.so_seg0ro
	27793	0x00751000	0x00754000	        12	rw-        	full          	ColorSeparator.so_seg1rw
	27786	0x0075a000	0x00768000	        56	r-x        	full          	Blur.so_seg0ro
	27787	0x00768000	0x0076b000	        12	rw-        	full          	Blur.so_seg1rw
	27752	0x00783000	0x0078e000	        44	r-x        	full 
	27753	0x0078e000	0x00791000	        12	rw-        	full 
	28510	0x007ad000	0x007b9000	        48	r-x        	full          	BMPTranslator_seg0ro
	28511	0x007b9000	0x007bc000	        12	rw-        	full          	BMPTranslator_seg1rw
	28491	0x007bc000	0x007c8000	        48	r-x        	full          	WebPTranslator_seg0ro
	28492	0x007c8000	0x007cb000	        12	rw-        	full          	WebPTranslator_seg1rw
	28472	0x00802000	0x00821000	       124	r-x        	full 
	28473	0x00821000	0x00826000	        20	rw-        	full 
	28448	0x00840000	0x0084f000	        60	r-x        	full 
	28449	0x0084f000	0x00850000	         4	rw-        	full 
	28493	0x00851000	0x008a1000	       320	r-x        	full 
	28494	0x008a1000	0x008ab000	        40	rw-        	full 
	28495	0x008ab000	0x008ad000	         8	rw-        	full 
	28487	0x008ae000	0x008b8000	        40	r-x        	full          	HVIFTranslator_seg0ro
	28488	0x008b8000	0x008ba000	         8	rw-        	full          	HVIFTranslator_seg1rw
	27816	0x008be000	0x008cb000	        52	r-x        	full          	Interference.so_seg0ro
	27817	0x008cb000	0x008cd000	         8	rw-        	full          	Interference.so_seg1rw
	27820	0x008cd000	0x008de000	        68	rw-        	full          	Interference.so_seg2rw
	28465	0x00936000	0x00960000	       168	r-x        	full 
	28466	0x00960000	0x0096a000	        40	rw-        	full 
	28467	0x0096a000	0x0096b000	         4	rw-        	full 
	28506	0x009a1000	0x009b5000	        80	r-x        	full          	JPEGTranslator_seg0ro
	28507	0x009b5000	0x009b9000	        16	rw-        	full          	JPEGTranslator_seg1rw
	27845	0x009ca000	0x009d8000	        56	r-x        	full          	Saturation.so_seg0ro
	27846	0x009d8000	0x009db000	        12	rw-        	full          	Saturation.so_seg1rw
	27853	0x00af0000	0x00afd000	        52	r-x        	full          	Sharpness.so_seg0ro
	27854	0x00afd000	0x00b00000	        12	rw-        	full          	Sharpness.so_seg1rw
	27857	0x00b00000	0x00b01000	         4	rw-        	full          	Sharpness.so_seg2rw
	28526	0x00b69000	0x00b6f000	        24	r-x        	full          	libbsd.so_seg0ro
	28527	0x00b6f000	0x00b70000	         4	rw-        	full          	libbsd.so_seg1rw
	28477	0x00b7c000	0x00bd9000	       372	r-x        	full 
	28478	0x00bd9000	0x00bec000	        76	rw-        	full 
	27804	0x00bef000	0x00bfa000	        44	r-x        	full          	EnhanceEdges.so_seg0ro
	27805	0x00bfa000	0x00bfc000	         8	rw-        	full          	EnhanceEdges.so_seg1rw
	28508	0x00cec000	0x00cf8000	        48	r-x        	full          	PNGTranslator_seg0ro
	28509	0x00cf8000	0x00cfb000	        12	rw-        	full          	PNGTranslator_seg1rw
	27735	0x00d53000	0x00d6a000	        92	r-x        	full          	libtranslation.so_seg0ro
	27736	0x00d6a000	0x00d6f000	        20	rw-        	full          	libtranslation.so_seg1rw
	28446	0x00df9000	0x00e04000	        44	r-x        	full          	ICNSTranslator_seg0ro
	28447	0x00e04000	0x00e07000	        12	rw-        	full          	ICNSTranslator_seg1rw
	27729	0x00e0c000	0x010dd000	      2884	r-x        	full          	libbe.so_seg0ro
	27730	0x010dd000	0x01175000	       608	rw-        	full          	libbe.so_seg1rw
	27731	0x01175000	0x01177000	         8	rw-        	full          	libbe.so_seg2rw
	28470	0x01178000	0x01183000	        44	r-x        	full 
	28471	0x01183000	0x01187000	        16	rw-        	full 
	27790	0x0118b000	0x01198000	        52	r-x        	full          	Color Balance.so_seg0ro
	27791	0x01198000	0x0119b000	        12	rw-        	full          	Color Balance.so_seg1rw
	28468	0x0119b000	0x011a1000	        24	r-x        	full 
	28469	0x011a1000	0x011a3000	         8	rw-        	full 
	27866	0x011a3000	0x011b3000	        64	r-x        	full          	Wave.so_seg0ro
	27868	0x011b3000	0x011b6000	        12	rw-        	full          	Wave.so_seg1rw
	27869	0x011b6000	0x011c6000	        64	rw-        	full          	Wave.so_seg2rw
	28502	0x011cd000	0x011db000	        56	r-x        	full          	TGATranslator_seg0ro
	28503	0x011db000	0x011dd000	         8	rw-        	full          	TGATranslator_seg1rw
	28496	0x011df000	0x011f0000	        68	r-x        	full          	RTFTranslator_seg0ro
	28497	0x011f0000	0x011f4000	        16	rw-        	full          	RTFTranslator_seg1rw
	28479	0x011f5000	0x01201000	        48	r-x        	full          	STXTTranslator_seg0ro
	28480	0x01201000	0x01203000	         8	rw-        	full          	STXTTranslator_seg1rw
	28518	0x01203000	0x0121e000	       108	r-x        	full 
	28519	0x0121e000	0x01222000	        16	rw-        	full 
	28520	0x01222000	0x01224000	         8	rw-        	full 
	27762	0x01226000	0x0131d000	       988	r-x        	full          	libtextencoding.so_seg0ro
	27763	0x0131d000	0x0131f000	         8	rw-        	full          	libtextencoding.so_seg1rw
	27764	0x0131f000	0x01320000	         4	rw-        	full          	libtextencoding.so_seg2rw
	27862	0x01330000	0x0133f000	        60	r-x        	full          	Twirl.so_seg0ro
	27863	0x0133f000	0x01342000	        12	rw-        	full          	Twirl.so_seg1rw
	27864	0x01342000	0x01352000	        64	rw-        	full          	Twirl.so_seg2rw
	28481	0x013df000	0x013eb000	        48	r-x        	full          	TIFFTranslator_seg0ro
	28482	0x013eb000	0x013ee000	        12	rw-        	full          	TIFFTranslator_seg1rw
	28444	0x013f7000	0x01406000	        60	r-x        	full          	PSDTranslator_seg0ro
	28445	0x01406000	0x01409000	        12	rw-        	full          	PSDTranslator_seg1rw
	27748	0x01449000	0x01452000	        36	r-x        	full 
	27749	0x01452000	0x01454000	         8	rw-        	full 
	27827	0x014fe000	0x01508000	        40	r-x        	full          	Negative.so_seg0ro
	27828	0x01508000	0x0150a000	         8	rw-        	full          	Negative.so_seg1rw
	27726	0x0150c000	0x0160f000	      1036	r-x        	full          	ArtPaint_seg0ro
	27727	0x0160f000	0x01636000	       156	rw-        	full          	ArtPaint_seg1rw
	27728	0x01636000	0x01637000	         4	rw-        	full          	ArtPaint_seg2rw
	27833	0x01639000	0x01643000	        40	r-x        	full          	PolarMapper.so_seg0ro
	27834	0x01643000	0x01645000	         8	rw-        	full          	PolarMapper.so_seg1rw
	28442	0x01648000	0x01669000	       132	r-x        	full          	RAWTranslator_seg0ro
	28443	0x01669000	0x0166f000	        24	rw-        	full          	RAWTranslator_seg1rw
	28500	0x01684000	0x01691000	        52	r-x        	full          	SGITranslator_seg0ro
	28501	0x01691000	0x01694000	        12	rw-        	full          	SGITranslator_seg1rw
	27812	0x01698000	0x016a4000	        48	r-x        	full          	Halftone.so_seg0ro
	27813	0x016a4000	0x016a6000	         8	rw-        	full          	Halftone.so_seg1rw
	28521	0x016a9000	0x016bd000	        80	r-x        	full 
	28522	0x016bd000	0x016c1000	        16	rw-        	full 
	28453	0x016c8000	0x016f2000	       168	r-x        	full 
	28454	0x016f2000	0x016f8000	        24	rw-        	full 
	27802	0x0170b000	0x01715000	        40	r-x        	full          	Emboss.so_seg0ro
	27803	0x01715000	0x01718000	        12	rw-        	full          	Emboss.so_seg1rw
	28450	0x01730000	0x01797000	       412	r-x        	full 
	28451	0x01797000	0x0179a000	        12	rw-        	full 
	28452	0x0179a000	0x017a1000	        28	rw-        	full 
	28485	0x017a2000	0x017b2000	        64	r-x        	full          	WonderBrushTranslator_seg0ro
	28486	0x017b2000	0x017b5000	        12	rw-        	full          	WonderBrushTranslator_seg1rw
	27754	0x017c4000	0x017fd000	       228	r-x        	full 
	27755	0x017fd000	0x01802000	        20	rw-        	full 
	27756	0x01802000	0x01834000	       200	rw-        	full 
	28457	0x018b1000	0x018ed000	       240	r-x        	full 
	28458	0x018ed000	0x018f2000	        20	rw-        	full 
	27737	0x018f8000	0x0192a000	       200	r-x        	full          	libstdc++.r4.so_seg0ro
	27738	0x0192a000	0x01935000	        44	rw-        	full          	libstdc++.r4.so_seg1rw
	27739	0x01935000	0x01937000	         8	rw-        	full          	libstdc++.r4.so_seg2rw
	27829	0x01988000	0x01993000	        44	r-x        	full          	Oil.so_seg0ro
	27830	0x01993000	0x01995000	         8	rw-        	full          	Oil.so_seg1rw
	28459	0x019a1000	0x019b1000	        64	r-x        	full          	JPEG2000Translator_seg0ro
	28460	0x019b1000	0x019b5000	        16	rw-        	full          	JPEG2000Translator_seg1rw
	27745	0x01a1e000	0x01caf000	      2628	r-x        	full 
	27746	0x01caf000	0x01d17000	       416	rw-        	full 
	27747	0x01d17000	0x01d18000	         4	rw-        	full 
	27782	0x01d23000	0x01d2d000	        40	r-x        	full          	AHE.so_seg0ro
	27783	0x01d2d000	0x01d2f000	         8	rw-        	full          	AHE.so_seg1rw
	27825	0x01d2f000	0x01d3a000	        44	r-x        	full          	Marble.so_seg0ro
	27826	0x01d3a000	0x01d3c000	         8	rw-        	full          	Marble.so_seg1rw
	28498	0x01d3c000	0x01d46000	        40	r-x        	full          	PCXTranslator_seg0ro
	28499	0x01d46000	0x01d49000	        12	rw-        	full          	PCXTranslator_seg1rw
	27796	0x01d4c000	0x01d56000	        40	r-x        	full          	ContrastManipulator.so_seg0ro
	27797	0x01d56000	0x01d58000	         8	rw-        	full          	ContrastManipulator.so_seg1rw
	27740	0x01d5c000	0x01e33000	       860	r-x        	full          	libroot.so_seg0ro
	27741	0x01e33000	0x01e47000	        80	rw-        	full          	libroot.so_seg1rw
	27742	0x01e47000	0x01e7f000	       224	rw-        	full          	libroot.so_seg2rw
	28514	0x01e81000	0x01e8c000	        44	r-x        	full          	OptiPNGTranslator_seg0ro
	28515	0x01e8c000	0x01e8f000	        12	rw-        	full          	OptiPNGTranslator_seg1rw
	27835	0x01e91000	0x01ea2000	        68	r-x        	full          	Reducer.so_seg0ro
	27836	0x01ea2000	0x01ea6000	        16	rw-        	full          	Reducer.so_seg1rw
	27798	0x01eb0000	0x01ebb000	        44	r-x        	full          	DetectEdges.so_seg0ro
	27799	0x01ebb000	0x01ebd000	         8	rw-        	full          	DetectEdges.so_seg1rw
	28489	0x01ebd000	0x01ed1000	        80	r-x        	full          	GIFTranslator_seg0ro
	28490	0x01ed2000	0x01ed5000	        12	rw-        	full          	GIFTranslator_seg1rw
	27858	0x01ed6000	0x01ee6000	        64	r-x        	full          	Threshold.so_seg0ro
	27859	0x01ee6000	0x01ee9000	        12	rw-        	full          	Threshold.so_seg1rw
	27732	0x01eee000	0x0209d000	      1724	r-x        	full          	libtracker.so_seg0ro
	27733	0x0209d000	0x020fb000	       376	rw-        	full          	libtracker.so_seg1rw
	27734	0x020fb000	0x020fd000	         8	rw-        	full          	libtracker.so_seg2rw
	27810	0x020ff000	0x02109000	        40	r-x        	full          	Grayscale.so_seg0ro
	27811	0x02109000	0x0210b000	         8	rw-        	full          	Grayscale.so_seg1rw
	27800	0x0211b000	0x02125000	        40	r-x        	full          	Dispersion.so_seg0ro
	27801	0x02125000	0x02127000	         8	rw-        	full          	Dispersion.so_seg1rw
	27750	0x02154000	0x021a7000	       332	r-x        	full 
	27751	0x021a7000	0x021b2000	        44	rw-        	full 
	28455	0x021cc000	0x02212000	       280	r-x        	full 
	28456	0x02212000	0x02214000	         8	rw-        	full 
	27870	0x02229000	0x02234000	        44	r-x        	full          	Wood.so_seg0ro
	27871	0x02234000	0x02237000	        12	rw-        	full          	Wood.so_seg1rw
	27806	0x0225d000	0x0226a000	        52	r-x        	full          	GaussianBlur.so_seg0ro
	27807	0x0226a000	0x0226d000	        12	rw-        	full          	GaussianBlur.so_seg1rw
	27721	0x0228d000	0x022ac000	       124	r-x        	full          	runtime_loader_seg0ro
	27722	0x022ac000	0x022ae000	         8	rw-        	full          	runtime_loader_seg1rw
	27723	0x022ae000	0x022af000	         4	rw-        	full          	runtime_loader_bss1
	28483	0x022c2000	0x02329000	       412	r-x        	full 
	28484	0x02329000	0x02333000	        40	rw-        	full 
	28523	0x023b3000	0x023ea000	       220	r-x        	full          	libnetwork.so_seg0ro
	28524	0x023ea000	0x023ec000	         8	rw-        	full          	libnetwork.so_seg1rw
	28525	0x023ec000	0x023f2000	        24	rw-        	full          	libnetwork.so_seg2rw
	28463	0x024a9000	0x024eb000	       264	r-x        	full 
	28464	0x024eb000	0x024ec000	         4	rw-        	full 
	27743	0x02824000	0x040a2000	     25080	r-x        	full 
	27744	0x040a2000	0x040a3000	         4	rw-        	full 
	27877	0x040a3000	0x04261000	      1784	rw-S       	full          	server_memory
	27899	0x0c0a3000	0x0c261000	      1784	rw-S       	full          	server_memory
	28474	0x14475000	0x1472e000	      2788	r-x        	full 
	28475	0x1472e000	0x148fa000	      1840	rw-        	full 
	28476	0x148fa000	0x148fb000	         4	rw-        	full 
	27768	0x1823c000	0x1859c000	      3456	rw-        	full          	heap
	27720	0x6061f000	0x60627000	        32	r-xS       	full          	commpage
	27717	0x60657000	0x6065b000	        16	rw-        	full          	user area
	27777	0x606d7000	0x606d8000	         4	rw-S       	full          	server_memory
	27779	0x686d7000	0x6870a000	       204	rw-S       	full          	server_memory
	27815	0x70dcd000	0x70e12000	       276	rw-s       	full          	w>Tools_3932_stack
	28439	0x7162f000	0x71674000	       276	rw-s       	full          	w>TrackerWindow_4227_stack
	27867	0x718ca000	0x7190f000	       276	rw-s       	full          	w>Empty paint window_3946_stack
	27824	0x71da0000	0x71de5000	       276	rw-s       	full          	w>Brushes_3935_stack
	28549	0x71fb6000	0x71ffb000	       276	rw-s       	full          	save image_4239_stack
	27719	0x72045000	0x73046000	     16388	rw-s       	full          	ArtPaint_3927_stack
	27875	0x73046000	0x7326e000	      2208	rw-S       	full          	server_memory

Protection Flags: r - read, w - write, x - execute, s - stack, o - overcommit, c - cloneable, S - shared, k - kernel

	ID		Count	Last Holder	Name
	481802	    0	       4239	Empty paint window
	493794	    0	          0	undo
	493829	    0	          0	Catalog
	494135	    0	          0	ColorDistanceMetric::ctr_dtr_lo
	494265	    0	       3946	AppServerLink_sLock
	494561	    0	       3935	Brushes
	494562	    0	          0	ColorDistanceMetric::ctr_dtr_lo
	494579	    0	          0	BMessageQueue Lock
	494794	    0	          0	ColorDistanceMetric::ctr_dtr_lo
	494832	    1	          0	list_mutex
	494837	    0	          0	some BLocker
	494873	    0	          0	some BLocker
	494882	    0	       3932	token space
	494886	    0	          0	ColorDistanceMetric::ctr_dtr_lo
	494910	    0	          0	PeriodicUpdatePoses
	494917	    0	          0	ColorDistanceMetric::ctr_dtr_lo
	494926	    0	          0	LocaleRosterData
	494967	    0	          0	ColorDistanceMetric::ctr_dtr_lo
	494982	    0	          0	Catalog
	494988	    0	          0	some BLocker
	494998	    0	          0	ColorDistanceMetric::ctr_dtr_lo
	495000	    0	          0	Light Lock
	495006	    0	       4227	some BBlockCache lock
	495007	    0	          0	some BLocker
	495009	    0	          0	Light Lock
	495010	    0	          0	ColorDistanceMetric::ctr_dtr_lo
	495011	    0	          0	ColorDistanceMetric::ctr_dtr_lo
	495012	    0	       3946	BLooperList lock
	495013	    0	          0	some BLocker
	495014	    0	          0	ColorDistanceMetric::ctr_dtr_lo
	495015	    0	          0	clipboard
	495017	    0	          0	some BLocker
	495020	    0	          0	some BLocker
	495022	    0	          0	BMessageQueue Lock
	495025	    0	          0	ColorDistanceMetric::ctr_dtr_lo
	495026	    0	          0	ColorDistanceMetric::ctr_dtr_lo
	495028	    0	          0	some BLocker
	495029	    1	      -3946	layer window semaphore
	495035	    0	          0	AppLooperPort
	495036	    0	          0	width buffer
	495040	    0	          0	Tools
	495041	    0	          0	ColorDistanceMetric::ctr_dtr_lo
	495042	    0	          0	screen list
	495044	    0	          0	ColorDistanceMetric::ctr_dtr_lo
	495049	    0	          0	ColorDistanceMetric::ctr_dtr_lo
	495053	    0	          0	ColorDistanceMetric::ctr_dtr_lo
	495054	    0	          0	ColorDistanceMetric::ctr_dtr_lo
	495057	    0	          0	ColorDistanceMetric::ctr_dtr_lo
	495060	    0	       3946	BMessageQueue Lock
	495062	    0	          0	BMessageQueue Lock
	495063	    0	          0	ColorDistanceMetric::ctr_dtr_lo
	495073	    0	          0	ColorDistanceMetric::ctr_dtr_lo
	495077	    0	          0	ColorDistanceMetric::ctr_dtr_lo
	495079	    0	          0	ColorDistanceMetric::ctr_dtr_lo
	495081	    0	          0	ColorDistanceMetric::ctr_dtr_lo
	495102	    0	          0	ColorDistanceMetric::ctr_dtr_lo
	495106	    0	          0	ColorDistanceMetric::ctr_dtr_lo
	495182	    0	          0	ColorDistanceMetric::ctr_dtr_lo
	495191	    0	          0	ColorDistanceMetric::ctr_dtr_lo
	495260	    0	          0	tool tip manager
	495275	    1	      -3946	selection_mutex
	495300	    0	       4239	action_semaphore
	495331	    0	       4239	mouse_mutex
	495357	    1	      -4220	mini image semaphore
	496201	    0	          0	TranslatorSettings Lock
	496507	    0	       1750	TranslatorSettings Lock
	496510	    0	      -1750	TranslatorSettings Lock
	496529	    0	          0	some BLocker
	496533	    0	          0	BMessageQueue Lock
	496534	    0	       2072	translator list
	496536	    0	       3325	virtual directory manager
	496540	    0	          0	Catalog
	496541	    0	      -2073	Catalog
	496542	    0	          0	Catalog
	496545	    0	       3946	TrackerWindow
	496546	    0	       3325	some BLocker
	496549	    0	       1750	TranslatorSettings Lock
	496553	    0	       3324	Tracker shared icon cache
	496556	    0	          0	Catalog
	496564	    0	          0	Catalog
	496566	    0	       3326	Catalog
	496568	    0	          0	TranslatorSettings Lock
	496571	    0	          0	Catalog
	496575	    0	          0	Catalog
	496577	    0	       3324	Tracker node icon cache
	496581	    0	          0	TranslatorSettings Lock
	496582	    0	       3326	Catalog
	496584	    0	          0	Catalog
	496585	    0	          0	TranslatorSettings Lock
	496587	    0	       1750	PPM settings lock
	496588	    0	          0	Catalog
	496589	    0	          0	Catalog
	496590	    0	       3330	TranslatorSettings Lock
	496592	    0	          0	TranslatorSettings Lock
	496593	    0	          0	Catalog
	496594	    0	      -1750	TranslatorSettings Lock
	496596	    0	          0	TranslatorSettings Lock
	496597	    0	          0	Catalog
	496598	    0	          0	TranslatorSettings Lock
	496600	    0	          0	Catalog
	496604	    0	       3330	Catalog
	496605	    0	          0	TranslatorSettings Lock
	496607	    0	       3331	some BLocker
	496608	    0	       3331	TranslatorSettings Lock
	496609	    0	          0	Catalog
	496615	    0	          0	Catalog
	496617	    0	          0	TranslatorSettings Lock
	496618	    0	          0	TranslatorSettings Lock
	496619	    0	          0	TranslatorSettings Lock
	496621	    0	          0	Catalog
	496625	    0	          0	TranslatorSettings Lock
	496627	    0	          0	TranslatorSettings Lock
	496628	    0	          0	Catalog

Thanks for the bug report! It looks like the problem was caused by a large stack allocation which wasn't actually used anywhere. New versions of GCC optimizes this out, so there x86-64 was not affected. But GCC 2 doesn't do this optimization, so it leads to the above error.

Thanks for the quick fix!