
Can't complete connection

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Connecting and logging into Fanatical keeps connection window open on account page, but the window never closes and connection doesn't complete. That account page just stays open. Using Windows 10 with latest stable galaxy version according by today's date.

I'm having the same issue. Was hoping to see something about the problem and how to fix it, but this is the only thread I see that even addresses this problem.

Hi @Greyfeld and @oryband , the authentication process (the one that seems to fail in your case) is the most tricky one of all the plugin. It does not suprise me that the only problem ever reported is on that part.

To be sure that no behavior on Fanatical side changed since I finished debugginig and released the plugin, I just upgraded to the last GOG version and disconnected and re-connected the plugin: I had no issues, so it should work even now, even if the code starts getting old.

Please - first of all check to have downloaded and installed the LAST version (second release) of the plugin: I remember some url detection failed in the first version (because some changes in url composition were made by Fanatical).

If your connection still does not succeeed, try to send here your error log (see "issue reporting" in the documentation to find it). Also you should change the log level to DEBUG or INFO in the configuration file. I'll try to have a look as soon as possible but it will take some time because of my current workload, and because the problem is probably on the javascript side (that is not seen and tracked even in logs).

I am still facing the same/similar issue. After installing the plugin's second release and restarting GoG, I go to the settings and click on 'connect,' then confirm by clicking 'connect' once again. After that, the browser window opens but keeps loading without showing the username/password fields. I have tried it on multiple devices, including Win10 and Win11, and the issue persists. It would be great if you could take the time to check it out. Thank you!
Here is my logs: Edited/Deleted

Sadly I confirm that the GOG plugin's first log-in (and perhaps connection in general) was broken by some of the last Fanatical site releases, I'll work on it as soon as possible...

[UPDATE] As written in the readme, currently the authentication process is no more possible because of incompatibility between the GOG2 plugin libraries and the Fanatical Site rendering process, I see no way to solve this apart from rewriting most of the authentication process with a custom one, and I'm not completely confident it's possible...