
Shader error message

Vrixyz opened this issue · 0 comments

(using reimagine branch 27337b2 )

I tried to add a Color float4 uniform to a shader, and was greated by:

thread 'main' panicked at /home/tb/.cargo/git/checkouts/quad-gl-1aa8a433fbda0b88/5af1722/src/
Failed to load shader: CompilationError { shader_type: Fragment, error_message: "0:4(9): preprocessor warning: Macro names containing \"__\" are reserved for use by the implementation.\n\n0:8(16): error: syntax error, unexpected NEW_IDENTIFIER, expecting '{'" }

Now I guess that a color is already present (from shader meta) so I shouldn´t have to add it, but the error message could be improved (and the list of existing uniforms communicated somewhere).


edit: my error actually originated from a mistake in the shader code:
uniform float3 MyColor; which should have been uniform vec3 MyColor;.