
debugging C# plugins on v6.9.2 not working

kbilsted opened this issue · 10 comments

Im experiencing that I cannot in visual studio 2015 "debug -> attach to process" (notepad++.exe) anymore. My breakpoints are never hit so I cannot debug my plugins

Works fine on v6.9 + v6.9.1 - just downloaded and checked.

I know it's not quite the same but I can at least confirm debugging C++ plugins work for VS2013 and VS2015 for v6.9.2

Also tried VS2015 with a C# plugin and it did not work for me. FYI I'm no debugging expert so I probably can't be of much more help ;)

@dail8859 Well, debug -> attach to process -> notepad++.exe - should hit your breakpoints... ;)

I'm also experiencing problems when launching notepad++ from within visual studio with "F5"

@dail8859 please fix as fast as you did with the crashing plugins :-P

Tried to look into this more but oddly enough it is working fine for me now.

  1. Cloned NppPluginGuidHelper
  2. Built the Debug configuration
  3. Manually copied the DLL to the plugin directory of N++ v6.9.2 (setting a post build event to copy $(TargetPath) "C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\plugins\" also worked)
  4. Set the N++ exe as the external program to launch for debugging
  5. Set a breakpoint
  6. Pressed F5
  7. It worked

@dail8859 which windows? are you executing as administrator?

Win7, yes (at least I'm pretty sure)

@kbilsted I'll try this today and give u feedback.

I can debug just fine..

Put this in your commandMenuInit subroutine:


It will launch the debugger every time you start your plugin. If you don't come this far, there's something else crashing the system before you get there, in which case, I suggest you build Npp yourself and start debugging that .. helped me in the past..