
Simple JavaScript library to hide content from automatic retrieval tools

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Simple JavaScript library to hide content from automatic retrieval tools. It's technically a cryptography tool that would encrypt the text, but the encryption scheme is vulnerable to numerous attack that wouldn't make it suitable to be hidden from an average hacker. That's why it's more of an Obfuscation tool (which can by the way always be cracked). It's not configured to store other characters than ASCII (no foreign characters).


There's a simple Demo not too fancy.

To obfuscate a javascript variable. The best way right now is to open browser console and execute the following:

var x = new ObfusCrypto('example@example.com', false);
> undefined
x.encrypt('pass', true);x

And save the last value returned in a variable. When you need to deobfuscate it, prompt for a password and write something like that:

var cryptotext = 'FRkSHgANFjMVGRIeAA0WXRMOHg=='; // same as last value returned
var email      = new Obfuscrypto(cryptotext, false);
var realMail   = email.decrypt(password, true); 

And realMail will contain example@example.com.


It may be used to hide things, but shouldn't be hard to decrypt given the nature of the encryption scheme. Cryptanalysis (reveal the messsage) could be done like it:

  • Search for top 100 email domain providers and find the part of the key (password) that would correspond to that domain
  • Discard all keys containing non-printable characters
  • Search for completing the password according to a dictionary

In case the password is totally random & is longer than the text to encrypt, it may still be vulnerable, because it's only using printable characters.


  • Online cryptography course by Dan Boneh from Stanford. On Coursera

Work in progress