
🤓 Ansible — Create users and groups on server

MIT LicenseMIT


🤓 Check (otherwise create) that given users and groups are present on the system.


Python installed on the server.

Role Variables

Available customizations:

  • users_init_users: dictionnary of users to be created

    • comment: description of user in passwd file (see GEOS field) (defaut none)
    • create_home: create a home directory if it doesn’t exist (default according to users_init_create_home_default)
    • expires: epoch time when user will expire. -1 means never (default according to users_init_expires_default)
    • generate_ssh_key: whether to generate SSH key for the user (default according to users_init_generate_ssh_key_default)
    • group: primary group of the user (default none). Must be created manually
    • groups: list of groups the user will be member (default none). It will overrides previous settings (no append). Must be created manually
    • home: home directory for the user (default according to system)
    • move_home: move user old home to a new one (default according to users_init_move_home_default)
    • non_unique: allows changing uid (when used with option uid) to a non unique one (default users_init_non_unique_default)
    • password: the user’s password to this crypted value. (default none)
    • password_lock: disables login with a password. The user is not disabled, but cannot login by password methods (might be sudo su or ssh, etc.) (default according to users_init_password_lock_default)
    • seuser: sets the seuser type (=user_u=) on selinux enabled systems (default none)
    • shell: shell used when logging-in (default according to users_init_shell_default)
    • skeleton: sets the home skeleton (template) used to create the home directory (default according to system)
    • uid: sets the uid of the user (default omitted)
    • ssh_key: SSH key generation configuration
      • force: overwrite old SSH key with a new one (default according to users_init_ssh_key_force_default)
      • ssh_key_bits: size of the key in bits (default according to users_init_ssh_key_bits_default)
      • ssh_key_comment: comment for the SSH key (default omitted)
      • ssh_key_file: custom user SSH key file path (default omitted)
      • ssh_key_passphrase: passphrase for accessing the key (default omitted)
      • ssh_key_type: SSH key algorithm type. This must be provided in order to create the key. Possible values are: rsa, ed25519 or others depending on the system
  • users_init_system_users: dictionnary of system users to be created. This has the same structure as users_init_users, except default values don’t have the users_init_ prefix, but users_init_sysuser_

  • users_init_user_groups: list of user groups to create. Because groups provided to users_init_users won’t be created automatically

  • users_init_system_groups: list of system groups to create. Because groups provided to users_init_system_users won’t be created automatically

Example Playbook

Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:

- hosts: servers
     - role: notetiene.users-init
			   create_home: no
				   - dummy
			   shell: "/bin/sh"users_init_users:
			   password: "{{ lookup('passwordstore', 'hostname/foo') | password_hash('sha512', 2645282 | random(seed=inventory_hostname) | string, rounds=165536) }}"
			   ssh_key_bits: 4096
			   ssh_key_type: "rsa"
			   expires: 1422403387
			   home: "/home/bar/foo"
			   group: foo
				   - bar
			   shell: "/bin/bash"
		   - dummy
		   - foo
		   - bar



Author Information

This role was created by Etienne Prud’homme.