
Resolver Call

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Where do i call main resolver functions? preupdate or postupdate? and also how should i setup playbackrates for resolver?

This is not really and issue its just question

preupdate is called before the entity animstate is updated
postupdate is called after the entity animstate is updated

I have no idea how you need to setup playbackrates for resolver, you can get the movement layer playbackrate like this
player.layers[ANIMATION_LAYER_MOVEMENT].playbackRate or
oldLayers is 1 tick behind layers

preupdate is called before the entity animstate is updated
postupdate is called after the entity animstate is updated

I have no idea how you need to setup playbackrates for resolver, you can get the movement layer playbackrate like this
player.layers[ANIMATION_LAYER_MOVEMENT].playbackRate or
oldLayers is 1 tick behind layers

u should fix hitbox shiftbacks when using exploits

preupdate is called before the entity animstate is updated postupdate is called after the entity animstate is updated

I have no idea how you need to setup playbackrates for resolver, you can get the movement layer playbackrate like this player.layers[ANIMATION_LAYER_MOVEMENT].playbackRate or player.oldLayers[ANIMATION_LAYER_MOVEMENT].playbackRate oldLayers is 1 tick behind layers

I get what are you saying but i need delta for resolver example:
abs(player.layers[ANIMATION_LAYER_MOVEMENT].playbackRate -;
you get what im saying?

Playbackrate resolver is pretty useless on its own in the current live build of the game. I suggest you into other methods of resolving.