
New update makes activating exploits crash?

Closed this issue · 12 comments

So i have a tickbase where i have 14 ticks for scout and 13 for other weapons, but since the csgo update and this repo's tickbase update my paste started crashing wheb activating exploits with debugger closing with no time to see call stack


i get UserCmd Error after update so, idk is it my problem cuz of the pasting, but its only when i use doubletap.


i get UserCmd Error after update so, idk is it my problem cuz of the pasting, but its only when i use doubletap.

since i added that dt slam thingy my dt was unstable af, getting lots of hitbox shiftbacks


i get UserCmd Error after update so, idk is it my problem cuz of the pasting, but its only when i use doubletap.

since i added that dt slam thingy my dt was unstable af, getting lots of hitbox shiftbacks


with my issue, i checked with older build from September and i think that new clMsgMoveDescontructor adress is wrong

my paste started crashing wheb activating exploits with debugger closing with no time to see call stack

Release Debugging wont do anything. build in debug, inject, attach to process then debug afterwards.

my paste started crashing wheb activating exploits with debugger closing with no time to see call stack

Release Debugging wont do anything. build in debug, inject, attach to process then debug afterwards.

u are fucking dumb, i said that when csgo crashes, the debugger closes too for no reason

Fixed by not initializating UserCmd* Cmd in Tickbase.h at Tickbase::start and also removed some other stuff

I made a huge oversight

@notgoodusename Thank you for your work on this. (best rage source on GitHub)

@notgoodusename Thank you for your work on this. (best rage source on GitHub)

ty, still missing a resolver :c