
Assertion failed after modifying WeaponId.h

Closed this issue · 15 comments

case WeaponId::G3SG1: case WeaponId::Scar20: return 33;
^ stuff i modified

i get this error too but idk is that issue of outdated daniel's inv changer or what

i get this error too but idk is that issue of outdated daniel's inv changer or what

u do too? then @notgoodusename may fix

case WeaponId::G3SG1: case WeaponId::Scar20: return 33;
^ stuff i modified

are you changing the weapon id or the class id? the class id’s cannot go below the highest weapon id.
Error comes from there so getWeaponData is causing it to crash, no idea why tho

like bruh in debug it works fine


nvm still happens


nvm still happens

what current feature did you add to your cheat? try to revert maybe? 🤔


nvm still happens

did you add this to your cheat #438? i think i got this error after adding that


nvm still happens

did you add this to your cheat #438? i think i got this error after adding that

nope, i just modified the weaponId values to make the scar-20 and g3sg1 have same cfg Error comes from there so getWeaponData is causing it to crash, no idea why tho

can it be skinchanger related


nvm still happens

did you add this to your cheat #438? i think i got this error after adding that

nope, i just modified the weaponId values to make the scar-20 and g3sg1 have same cfg

just put them in a separate weapon class and make the gui config the class instead of the weapons specifically


nvm still happens

did you add this to your cheat #438? i think i got this error after adding that

nope, i just modified the weaponId values to make the scar-20 and g3sg1 have same cfg

just put them in a separate weapon class and make the gui config the class instead of the weapons specifically

alr did, still crashing


nvm still happens

did you add this to your cheat #438? i think i got this error after adding that

nope, i just modified the weaponId values to make the scar-20 and g3sg1 have same cfg

just put them in a separate weapon class and make the gui config the class instead of the weapons specifically

alr did, still crashing

okay, then revert to where it doesn’t crash and try again.