
This makes it crash lol

Opened this issue · 10 comments

    This makes it crash lol

Its like displaying that the error is Abort()

Originally posted by @peebo29 in #449 (comment)

any debug info?

Nah, cuz if there was any i would of pointed out the direct issue by now or fixed it. Couldn't find anything but just a Abort being called

Im gonna try to debug it and see next time i crash within that error cuz im not really on it right now

to be honest it must be something with the bullet_impact
I removed this one thing and it fixes itself (ghetto ass fix tho but it wont log the misses)

		interfaces->gameEventManager->addListener(&listener, "bullet_impact");

Ok so no matter what i tried debugging and it just closed right away, so no debug info at all.

Ok so no matter what i tried debugging and it just closed right away, so no debug info at all.

that means ur project settings are messed up

try to break when abort() is called

try to break when abort() is called

Ok i might of found why its breaking
The prediction reset might be a cause of it

void EnginePrediction::reset() noexcept
    localPlayerFlags = {};
    localPlayerVelocity = Vector{};
    netvarData = {};
    inPrediction = false;

this might be a cause of a different issue while bypassing with an actual bypass and going into casual