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if u rly need help u dont need to contact him personally, u can just ask a question or request help here

I need help fixing extended backtrack for current osiris.

I need help fixing extended backtrack for current osiris.

havent quite figured that one out tbh, high fakelatency + backtrack ragebot misses a lot

I need help fixing extended backtrack for current osiris.

havent quite figured that one out tbh, high fakelatency + backtrack ragebot misses a lot

I meant danielkrupinski's current osiris.

I need help fixing extended backtrack for current osiris.

havent quite figured that one out tbh, high fakelatency + backtrack ragebot misses a lot

even without aimbot often misses

even without aimbot often misses

I think that's your aim, legit backtracking works fine

I meant danielkrupinski's current osiris.

can't do, new osiris code style is shit and i don't even want to touch it

even without aimbot often misses

I think that's your aim, legit backtracking works fine

think so, or i just pasted it badly, whatever

even without aimbot often misses

I think that's your aim, legit backtracking works fine

think so, or i just pasted it badly, whatever

idk what you want me to tell you it's the same backtracking code from every other source ever, literally the only difference is that there are more points to calc distance instead of only origin

even without aimbot often misses

I think that's your aim, legit backtracking works fine

think so, or i just pasted it badly, whatever

idk what you want me to tell you it's the same backtracking code from every other source ever, literally the only difference is that there are more points to calc distance instead of only origin

don't mind, i prob fricked out in code.

even without aimbot often misses

I think that's your aim, legit backtracking works fine

i hadnt updated setupbones cuz it didn't work