
Surface draw broken?

Closed this issue · 9 comments

So I tried to remake logs by using surface instead of ImGui
I got this goofy ah results and idk what is fucking it but I cant use another color and its simply fades out
same happens to other stuff that I draw using surface

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its the same as your old source aka
i think its maybe a problem with the ImGui Color structure, should i make a different structure?

don't use that source, it sucks ass
also why do you want to use surface instead of imgui?

don't use that source, it sucks ass
also why do you want to use surface instead of imgui?

the fonts look goofy on imgui + for more stuff that legendware has

the fonts look goofy on imgui + for more stuff that legendware has

you can import CSGO fonts, also what does legendware have that this source is missing?

the fonts look goofy on imgui + for more stuff that legendware has

you can import CSGO fonts, also what does legendware have that this source is missing?

so for example i added that advanced scope thing, and if u look closely or at a bright thing u will see that it has black ends, and i am using imgui for that, mea while if i use surface that doesnt happend anynore. abt the fonts stuff, yeah ik abt thay but they look hella shit cuz of imgui. Meanwhe if i use same font on surface it looks exactly how i want

ok so maybe i am hooking it incorrectly
so we got

surface.hookAt(15, setDrawColor);

which sets the color but from my testing it sets it to other colors, and then we got

panel.hookAt(41, paintTraverse);

which also has the same hook value as

viewRender.hookAt(41, renderSmokeOverlay);
