
Crashing on source UI

Opened this issue · 13 comments

So i crash whenever i open console, community server browser or anything related to that kind of UI
any fix?

Send debug info cuz there is no crash for me

i dont know where to set breakpoints to get useful information

show me call stack

from what

from IDE u use

I got to thinking, that u tried c+p something into cheat without any knowledge about c++. Good Luck and Have a nice day!

my guy, im just not used to the osiris sdk
dont know what can cause issues and what cant
you have a nice day too! :)

my guy, im just not used to the osiris sdk dont know what can cause issues and what cant you have a nice day too! :)

at least u could sent code, cuz info what you gave me i knew already after seeing title

@DrippyHvH the vanilla version is fully functional and does not crash on anything UI related stuff. What exactly did you change/added in your project?

its a version from 2021

its a version from 2021

yee, good luck w that. U must update all SDK files + Hacks files (especially animations) + hooks + Memory class

its a version from 2021

yee, good luck w that. U must update all SDK files + Hacks files (especially animations) + hooks + Memory class

he can basically fully rewrite 🤣