
The floating window does not display the title of the document

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I used the embedded document feature in EXcalidraw
As shown, when using the floating window, the embedded title disappears
It seems to be caused by the following
When I turn this option off, it will work, but I don't know if there will be any other bugs

pjeby commented

Inline titles are disabled by default to save space; you can of course use different CSS to re-enable it in embedded documents if you so choose.

Here are the solutions left to others who encounter the same problem
Put this css block into your obsidian

/*导致标题无法显示*/ .hover-popover .inline-title, .inline-embed .inline-title { display: flex; }/*修复又会导致 嵌入块在md里 额外多一个标题号*/ /*禁用嵌入标题*/ .markdown-embed-title, .markdown-embed .mod-header+ div > :is(h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6) { display: none; }