
Execution problem

Opened this issue · 2 comments

It seems that I can't compile your project with my xcode. It always appears the following sentence: "error: can't exec '/usr/local/bin/clang-omp' (No such file or directory)" when I am trying to compile it. I tried to download clang-omp and llvm via brew. However, it seems both of them didn't work. So could you give me a way to ignore omp in a clear way or just give me the exe file? Thanks a lot.

Hi, if you search "clang-omp" in your project and then remove all the macro that used it. What will it happen?

screen shot 2017-10-24 at 10 25 05 pm

Thanks for the information. However now I encountered another problem:
captura de tela 2017-10-31 as 13 19 28
The error appeared in Mesh2D.cpp. Do you know the reason?