A Collection of My Racket Code
Y-combinator in racket
#lang racket
(define rec
(λ (f) ((λ (x) (λ a (apply (f (x x)) a)))
(λ (x) (λ a (apply (f (x x)) a))))))
(define fun
(rec (λ (fun)
(λ (x)
(if (= x 0) 1 (* x (fun (- x 1))))))))
(fun 10)
Put function calls in a streaming fashion
(>> 3 (λ (x) (+ x 2)) (λ (x) (+ x 3)))
(define (fun0 x y)
(values (+ x y) (- x y)))
(define p0 (-> fun0 (-> fun0) fun0))
((-> (inject 2 3) p0))
Add goto/label into Racket
(displayln 1)
(goto lb0)
(displayln 5)
(label lb1)
(displayln 3)
(goto end)
(label lb0)
(displayln 2)
(goto lb1)
(label end))
A simple implement of trampoline
(define (my-even? n)
(if (zero? n)
(bounce my-odd? (sub1 (abs n)))))
(define (my-odd? n)
(if (zero? n)
(bounce my-even? (sub1 (abs n)))))
(trampoline my-even? 99999)
Implement while loop using macro and cc, support continue and break
(let ([a 1])
(while (< a 10)
(set! a (+ a 1))
(let ([b 1])
(while (< b a)
(display b)
(display " ")
(set! b (+ b 1))
(when (= b 5) (break)))
(display a)
(display " "))))
Implement of Braun Tree
Implement traversing Binary Tree in different styles (CPS)
A simple implement of stream
(define (fun x)
(display "x=")
(displayln x)
(* x 2))
(define s1 (stream-extend (fun 1) (stream-extend (fun 2) (stream-extend (fun 3) empty-stream))))
(define s2 (stream-append s1 s1))
(print-stream s2)
(define (infinite-build n)
(stream-extend n (infinite-build (+ n 1))))
(define infinite (infinite-build 1))
(print-stream (stream-take 10 infinite))
(define (sixtyDiv n)
(stream-extend (/ 60 n) (sixtyDiv (- n 1))))
(define s4 (stream-take 4 (sixtyDiv 4)))
(print-stream s4)
(stream-first s4)
(set! s4 (stream-rest s4))
(stream-first s4)
(set! s4 (stream-rest s4))
(stream-first s4)
(set! s4 (stream-rest s4))
(stream-first s4)
(set! s4 (stream-rest s4))
#lang racket
;; "Ω"
((λ (x) `(,x ',x)) '(λ (x) `(,x ',x)))
;; call/cc
(lambda (c)
(c ((lambda (c) `(call/cc (lambda (c) (c (,c ',c)))))
'(lambda (c) `(call/cc (lambda (c) (c (,c ',c)))))))))
;; print
(let ([a "#lang racket\n\n(let ([a ~s]))\n (printf a a))"])
(printf a a))
Using keywords in function definition
(fun #:mode 3 2 3)
Implement list comprehension
;; [x * y | x <- [-1, 2, -4, 4], x > 0, y <- [10, 20, 30], x * y < 50]
(listc (* x y) for (x <- (list -1 2 -3 4)) (> x 0) (y <- (list 10 20 30)) (< (* x y) 50))
;; [[x, y, z] | x <- [1, 2, 3], y <- [4, 5], z <- [6]]
(listc (list x y z) for (x <- (list 1 2 3)) (y <- (list 4 5)) (z <- (list 6)))
Use of parameterize
Trace function calls (from internet)
Simple example of sweet-expression
#lang sweet-exp racket
define add(x y)
{x + y}
define mult(x y)
{x * y}
define fun(x y)
if {x < y}
add(x y)
mult(x y)
fun(2 3)
fun(3 2)
examples of different types of comments
#lang racket
; single
;; line
;;; coments
#| block
#;(define (fun x)
(s-exp comments))
#! /bin/sh