
Collapsible Headers not working

Rhygaer opened this issue · 1 comments

What is happening?

  • collapsible headers activation has no effect, they don't show
  • or .. they stutter, closing and opening on their own very fast
  • or .. jump their position up or down a bit on screen when scrolling
  • or .. close and open randomly when scrolling

What should be happening?
collapsible headers should show toggle triangle, respect position and state

Screenshots (if applicable):

Operating system/browser name & version:

  • Windows 10 21H2 | Firefox 98.0b2 (64-bit)
  • Windows 10 21H2 | Brave v. 1.35.100 Chromium: 98.0.4758.87

notion-enhancer and/or notion-repackaged version:

  • Firefox extension v0.11.0.1
  • Brave Chrome Extension

notion-enhancer configuration (enabled/disabled mods and their settings):

  • None


  • collapsible headers : ON

see notion-enhancer/notion-enhancer#854, this feature is deprecated and soon to be removed