
Text align/justify mismatch between online and notion-app-enhanced

Xirious opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello all,

I do not know if this intended behaviour or a bug. If it is intended behaviour please point me to where it needs to be fixed/change in the settings to get the same behaviour as the notion website.

A few things I've tried:

  • Install, reinstalled and used the details in #116 to get the app to run.
  • I've installed via a) sudo apt install, b) using the portable .zip and using the .deb. All produce the same behaviour over multiple reinstalls.
  • Tried replacing all possible "justify" and/or "center align" items with "left" and/or "left align" text pieces in the code and rebuilding but that does not work.
  • Tried adding a CSS snippet to left align items, that did not work (I could be doing this wrong as I'm unfamiliar with it but I followed this notion-enhancer/notion-enhancer#75.
  • Tried multiple themes, all have the same behaviour (so my conclusion its notion-app-enhanced default behaviour).
  • What helped "somewhat" was logging out completely and then logging back in to notion in notion-app-enhanced. The app would display the notes the same way as online immediately after a log in. However, this only persists until I restart the notion-app-enhanced and then the text is center justified again. See the last few pictures in the screenshots section.

Any help would be appreciated.

What is happening?
Text in the center or side peek mode is center justifying text. This looks particularly bad when the app is snapped to the sides.

What should be happening?
I expect notion-enhancer to reproduce the same output I am seeing on the notion website. That is the text should not be center aligned / justified and should be left aligned and not justified.

Screenshots (if applicable):
Center peek (left is and right is notion-app-enhanced):

Side peek (notion-app-enhanced):

From notes:

  • Immediately after logging in again to notion (notion-app-enhanced):

  • After restarting the app after logging in again (notion-app-enhanced):

Operating system/browser name & version:

  • Ubuntu 23.10
  • Firefox 124.0 (64-bit)

notion-enhancer and/or notion-repackaged version:

  • notion-enhancer v0.11.0-dev
  • notion-app-enhanced-2.0.18-1
  • Notion

notion-enhancer configuration (enabled/disabled mods and their settings):

  • All mods disabled.

Thanks for the detailed report, you can use this CSS snippet to fix this until I can finish the next release (paste it into text file ending in .css and upload it via the tweaks mod):

.notion-page-content {
    --theme--page_preview-padding: 0;

Thank you @dragonwocky - that worked perfectly!