
could it be zero-dependency?

thilllon opened this issue · 3 comments


I think, there is no problem with the following packages moving into devDependencies. Rather, so it can be made with zero-dependency. What do you think?

"dependencies": {
"@angular-devkit/core": "^13.3.0",
"@angular-devkit/schematics": "^13.3.0",
"@schematics/angular": "~13.3.0"

Hi @thilllon, good idea to look into making this package zero-dependency. Thus dependencies are necessary for the schematics. Should try if the schematics still works when the dependencies move to devDependencies.

Yes, you are right. "schematics" requires those angular~~ things. But all the "schematics" commands are expected to be executed in development stage, not in runtime. So I expect that "schematics" are going to work well. Thanks for checking it out.

Tried to move the schematic dependencies to dev, but this is what nest add tells me

nest add nestjs-prisma@0.20.0-dev.3
✔ Package installation in progress... ☕
Starting library setup...
Error: Cannot find module '@schematics/angular/utility/dependencies'
Require stack:
- /Users//nest-test/node_modules/nestjs-prisma/schematics/nestjs-prisma/index.js
- /Users/nest-test/node_modules/@angular-devkit/schematics/tools/export-ref.js
- /Users//nest-test/node_modules/@angular-devkit/schematics/tools/index.js
- /Users//nest-test/node_modules/@angular-devkit/schematics-cli/bin/schematics.js

Failed to execute command: node nestjs-prisma:nest-add --source-root="src" /Users/.fnm/node-versions/v16.16.0/installation/bin/node /Users/Library/Caches/fnm_multishells/20081_1673893049928/bin/nest add nestjs-prisma@0.20.0-dev.3